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IPad Wifi and No GPS Data

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jweitner (26/05/2013)
Hi Jay,

I found the solution in my case.

Garmin provides this solution:

If you are using an iOS device and encounter a problem receiving location information from the Garmin GLO, please try these steps:

Let me know if it works for you.



Works for me - GPS Data now shows a course, whereas that was missing before.

This implies, as I had thought, that the problem was with IOS, rather than the GPS unit, or the SD app.
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Hi Jay,

I thought mine was working but it isn't. So we have again the same problem.

I asked again both SkyDemon and a person at Garmin aviation if they can advise on what to do now.

Pretty frustrating this stuff isn't working.

I also tried the app GPS data but my app stays 'empty' even with connected GLO and wifi is off. It does not receive any data. I guess you will have the same problem.

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Are you both on the latest iOS (6.1.3)

Please try this:-

Go into Bluetooth and 'forget' your device

Privacy > Location Services and turn off Find My iPad
Privacy > Location Services > System Services and turn everything off except Status Bar Icon
Privacy > Location Services and double check that SkyDemon and GPS Data are definitely ON

Hard reboot your device (press and hold Volume + Home together until you see the Apple logo)

When the unit boots back up, confirm that the Location Services icon is not present in the status bar. If it appears, you missed something above.

Re-add the GPS device via Bluetooth menu

Open the GPS Data app I linked to above (do not open any native Garmin or Bad Elf app). You should see the location services icon appear in the status bar, and hopefully get a flashing red dot.

What I have found (and this is entirely theoretical) is that if one of the system services tries to access location data before your bluetooth device is connected, then it just doesn't work.

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I think we may have found the issue.

The GPS checker app's red dot does not flash at all (or provide a lat/long fix)

When I switch wifi on, the red dot flashes 3 times, pauses, flashes a fourth time, but then nothing unless I click the "force update" button.

So now I think we have found the issue, where do we go from here?!?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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What you have now, is proof that the issue lies either in iOS or the external GPS device you are using. You have eliminated SkyDemon as the issue. You can now take this to Garmin whose problem it is, and they can take it up with Apple if necessary. There is definitely a problem. The existence of simple free GPS apps which can quickly show you what GPS data is being made available to apps is a very useful diagnostic tool.
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So now I think we have found the issue, where do we go from here?!?

Did you try what I suggested (in the post above yours)?

Toggling WiFi is a red herring by the way. When you switch on WiFi, location services receives a position based upon WiFi geolocation - which is why you get a couple of flashes. I'd leave WiFi on at all times personally.
Edited 5/28/2013 1:04:31 PM by stevelup
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from stevelup:-

"What I have found (and this is entirely theoretical) is that if one of the system services tries to access location data before your bluetooth device is connected, then it just doesn't work".

Hi Steve.....your comment above is interesting. Does this mean that if I use a weather app to check weather before I open the SD app.....that that might cause a problem? (My weather app uses location data).

PeteB (newbie on a steep learning curve).
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My suspicion is that if do something that accesses location services (such as checking the weather) before your external GPS is paired and working, then it doesn't always successfully take over and provide the data...

So, by turning off all the system services (which you have no control over), the odds are then in your favour that you can make sure your external unit is working before you need to use it.

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Thanks Steve.

Your theory would explain why the link to the external gps seems tempermenteral sometimes. I'll keep a watch out for the order I use things.

One other thing to look out for then - is for those who choose to keep their external gps on the aircraft. They are highly likely to have opened a weather app before leaving home. I guess it means getting into the habit of turning the iPad off....instead of just 'sleep' mode.
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Possibly, but as long as you closed the app, the location services will have timed out by the time you get to the airfield.

I think the key point is - "don't connect your bluetooth if the little location services pointer is already visible"

That has made connections 100% reliable for me (Dual XGPS150)

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