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Can't connect to PowerFlarm

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PaulSS - 9/7/2018 8:23:37 PM
Seems to me that neither Power Flarm nor Sky Demon is the problem but your Air Connect, which occasionally sends out spurious signals and is, therefore, rejected by SD during its checks that the data is valid. Why should Tim have to deal with 'garbage in' when other connections don't have the same problem?

Hmmm...but why does that garbage works fine whith other software? 

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Peer - 9/8/2018 5:45:28 PM
PaulSS - 9/7/2018 8:23:37 PM
Seems to me that neither Power Flarm nor Sky Demon is the problem but your Air Connect, which occasionally sends out spurious signals and is, therefore, rejected by SD during its checks that the data is valid. Why should Tim have to deal with 'garbage in' when other connections don't have the same problem?

Hmmm...but why does that garbage works fine whith other software? 

I can't answer that, Peer, but I think I would rather have a device that I know ONLY works with valid data, rather than a device that POSSIBLY uses corrupt data. What else is that other device hiding from you if it's prepared to use data that does not pass check sums?

As I said before; this is an Air Connect problem, not a Sky Demon problem.

Edited 9/9/2018 3:46:48 AM by PaulSS
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PaulSS - 9/9/2018 3:45:40 AM
Peer - 9/8/2018 5:45:28 PM
PaulSS - 9/7/2018 8:23:37 PM
Seems to me that neither Power Flarm nor Sky Demon is the problem but your Air Connect, which occasionally sends out spurious signals and is, therefore, rejected by SD during its checks that the data is valid. Why should Tim have to deal with 'garbage in' when other connections don't have the same problem?

Hmmm...but why does that garbage works fine whith other software? 

I can't answer that, Peer, but I think I would rather have a device that I know ONLY works with valid data, rather than a device that POSSIBLY uses corrupt data. What else is that other device hiding from you if it's prepared to use data that does not pass check sums?

As I said before; this is an Air Connect problem, not a Sky Demon problem.

Well, it seems you are not an expert. Sorry.
What would you do, if your PC would shut down on every network error. What do you think are CRC check sums for? Swithing off your computer? Or to give the soft/harware the chance to handle NORMAL ereos? Transmitting data wireless is never 100% error less.
I thing fault tolerance is a helpfull thing. As in real ife as in software coding, isn't it?

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Peer - 9/9/2018 6:06:44 PM
PaulSS - 9/9/2018 3:45:40 AM
Peer - 9/8/2018 5:45:28 PM
PaulSS - 9/7/2018 8:23:37 PM
Seems to me that neither Power Flarm nor Sky Demon is the problem but your Air Connect, which occasionally sends out spurious signals and is, therefore, rejected by SD during its checks that the data is valid. Why should Tim have to deal with 'garbage in' when other connections don't have the same problem?

Hmmm...but why does that garbage works fine whith other software? 

I can't answer that, Peer, but I think I would rather have a device that I know ONLY works with valid data, rather than a device that POSSIBLY uses corrupt data. What else is that other device hiding from you if it's prepared to use data that does not pass check sums?

As I said before; this is an Air Connect problem, not a Sky Demon problem.

Well, it seems you are not an expert. Sorry.
What would you do, if your PC would shut down on every network error. What do you think are CRC check sums for? Swithing off your computer? Or to give the soft/harware the chance to handle NORMAL ereos? Transmitting data wireless is never 100% error less.
I thing fault tolerance is a helpfull thing. As in real ife as in software coding, isn't it?

Well, next time you use Internet banking and you send $10 000 but only $1 000 is received then you can blame the same thinking as yours. If I get a problem with an app on my computer then it stops the app. It doesn't shut down the computer. Does the Air Connect problem actually cause SD to shut down your tablet or does SD just stop working. I'm not an expert, no, but I do know about GIGO and you're expecting Tim to just accept GI and adjust his app to account for that. Air Connect shouldn't be outputting's as simple as that.

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PaulSS - 9/10/2018 5:12:06 AM
Peer - 9/9/2018 6:06:44 PM
PaulSS - 9/9/2018 3:45:40 AM
Peer - 9/8/2018 5:45:28 PM
PaulSS - 9/7/2018 8:23:37 PM
Seems to me that neither Power Flarm nor Sky Demon is the problem but your Air Connect, which occasionally sends out spurious signals and is, therefore, rejected by SD during its checks that the data is valid. Why should Tim have to deal with 'garbage in' when other connections don't have the same problem?

Hmmm...but why does that garbage works fine whith other software? 

I can't answer that, Peer, but I think I would rather have a device that I know ONLY works with valid data, rather than a device that POSSIBLY uses corrupt data. What else is that other device hiding from you if it's prepared to use data that does not pass check sums?

As I said before; this is an Air Connect problem, not a Sky Demon problem.

Well, it seems you are not an expert. Sorry.
What would you do, if your PC would shut down on every network error. What do you think are CRC check sums for? Swithing off your computer? Or to give the soft/harware the chance to handle NORMAL ereos? Transmitting data wireless is never 100% error less.
I thing fault tolerance is a helpfull thing. As in real ife as in software coding, isn't it?

Well, next time you use Internet banking and you send $10 000 but only $1 000 is received then you can blame the same thinking as yours. If I get a problem with an app on my computer then it stops the app. It doesn't shut down the computer. Does the Air Connect problem actually cause SD to shut down your tablet or does SD just stop working. I'm not an expert, no, but I do know about GIGO and you're expecting Tim to just accept GI and adjust his app to account for that. Air Connect shouldn't be outputting's as simple as that.

Hi Paul,
ok, you are right! Not a good example. Sorry for that. Let me try to explain it with an other exaple.
Let's say SD were an email client. From time to time there comes spam with your mails.
What do you thing is the best way to do? Stop working the App? Asking for a mailserver don't sending spam?
Or just give a massage that there ist a spam mail?

BTW: The air connect only fowards the data it gets from the device via RS232 protokol (serial) and unfortunately it is normal that there are errors from time to time. That was no problem the last 30 years as HW and SW can handel them.

In case of SD the worst case is when the navigation suddenly stops. That is definitvly not good for safty.
And if you ever used a FLARM, you will understand why i would never fly without it again.
I love SD, yes, but if i had to decide, the the FLARM has the higher priority. As i mentioned other flight navigation apps can handle the faulty data and providing a working and safty system without sudden stoping navigation.

I hope SD will be willing to find a solution. Do not make a phillosophy of that problem. Just let us fly in safty. PLEASE!
Live could be soooo nice.

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So i was out flying yesterday and it cut me out once, instead of exiting "Go flying" could it not go over to "location services" instead of canceling my flight?

its a bit annoyish when i a few minutes later see that im not flying, aint getting any logs.

Edited 9/10/2018 8:19:31 AM by Skee
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Peer, in your email analogy, the email client wouldn't stop working but it would immediately stop receiving anything from that particular sender (who is known to send spam/malware) and not receive any more from that sender until you re-enabled it. That's the equivalent of what SkyDemon is doing.

You appear to think it is "normal" for an aviation device to send out erroneous data. It is not. I cannot emphasize that enough. We do have experience of working with many different pieces of hardware, remember.

It is very likely that other navigation apps simply are not performing the checking that we do. We are rigorous, because being incorrect is unthinkable to us. Obviously, the vendor of your device which is outputting erroneous data is not checking that output either. It's extremely sad in the world of aviation that either of these cases are true.

My one concession would be that we would be willing to talk with the vendor of your problematic hardware and if they have a known bug where ONE particular erroneous piece of information is regularly sent by one of their products, and that piece of information was deemed by us to be harmless, we would alter our code to ignore that particular field.


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