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Can't connect to PowerFlarm

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Today updated to IOS9 and everything worked fine!!!!

Michael Rubio
Michael Rubio
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I upgraded to IOS9 and are able to fly for much longer now with my PowerFLarm and Butterfly connect working. 

This weekend I did a 1 hour flight, no problem. 
Thought it was all sorted out, but, I then did another 40 min flight and after 15 min had a loss of GPS connection to the Butterfly connect. Had to perform the all to familiar inflight reboot of the PF and Butterfly. Consequently I did the remaining flight with no problem. 
Later that day I did another 1 hour flight, no problem. 

Conclusion is, the problem is still there, but not so frequent - if 3-4 flights are representative for anything.

Everybody out there, please share your findings so that this problem can be solved. 
Paul Mahony
Paul Mahony
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Dear Tim - et al,

With regards to the original problem that I raised at the start of this thread, please accept my thanks for being willing to see if it was my Power Flarm Core that was causing the issues and my apologies for this tardy reply.  For your information, I sent the unit back to Butterfly Avionics who put it on an extended test for three weeks but they couldn't find anything wrong with it.  I connected it back up, played about with it and I'm pleased to say that the connection from my Power Flarm Core / Butterfly Connect Wi-Fi unit to my iPad running SD is now all sorted!  Errr, it was simple operator error! 

Let me explain: The problem was that previous versions of SD didn't seem to alter the 4-digit PIN number that I had inputted to connect my iPad's Wi-Fi receiver to the Butterfly Connect Wi-Fi unit.  But after a particular SD update, it seemed to then use the default Wi-Fi code of 1234 but I never noticed this.  It was only whilst going into to 'Setup' - 'Air Connect Key' and changing the default 1234 to my own unique 4-digit Butterfly Connect Wi-Fi PIN that everything was then OK again and I could go to 'Go Flying' - 'Use Flarm' and instantly obtain accurate location data.  Doh!!

Tim, I'm very pleased to hear that you're looking at more integration of traffic warning with SD but I still have a major gripe with the size of the numerical information (height and distance) that appears next to a FLARM or ADS-B threat.  It is just too small for elderly eyes and it doesn't get any bigger despite zooming in.  Isn't there something that could be done?  The next time it occurs, I'll try and get a screen shot so you can see how small the writing is. 

The big warning (i.e.: "Traffic 1 O'clock") written in yellow inside a black background rectangle is nice and big but only illuminates for a very brief time.  Luckily, I have the optional audio licence with my Power Flarm Core and get to hear the warning which pulls my eyes to the iPad screen. 

For the information of other Power Flarm Core / SD users, my set-up has proved faultless and works continuously.  On another ADS-B note, its great going to (on a PC) and selecting Data/History, entering my aircraft registration and seeing my track-log obtained from my Mode-S / Extended squitter ADS-B Out functionality.  There's no use trying to tell the CAA that I wasn't at 300 feet buzzing my mate's house now!!

Great work, Tim and your team; I've just renewed for a third year.


Michael Rubio
Michael Rubio
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Posts: 25, Visits: 85
Latest from my side in respect to "disconnected GPS connection" between the SD on my Ipad and PF + Butterfly Connect.

I did another long flight. This time a 2+ hr flight from DK to Poland and the 2+ hr return flight. With all latest updates, SD and IOS, I did this time not encounter any problem whatsoever. Im starting to think these updates have solved the (my) issue Smile Smile

Paul rightfully mention, that "The big warning (i.e.: "Traffic 1 O'clock") written in yellow inside a black background rectangle is nice and big but only illuminates for a very brief time. " This would be nice to get improved, hence the possibility to adjust the time shown.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We can't do anything about the amount of time that is shown for, really. We only show it when Flarm tells us to, and there's no point in our continuing to show it once Flarm have told us the threat (whatever it was) is no more. This will be better once people move away from Flarm to ADS/B technologies, when SkyDemon's own collision warning system will kick in and that shows warning more in advance - at the very least 15 seconds.
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"SkyDemon's own collision warning system" ?

When is this system due?

Kind regards

Al Walker
Al Walker
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>>"SkyDemon's own collision warning system"<<

Errrrm pardon??
Have I been asleep?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's purely a software system, and will become used when more hardware ADS/B receivers/transceivers are available over the coming year or two, and are connected to SkyDemon.
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So I think I have found the issue I was having with PFLARM and SD not connecting. I just hadn't noticed that the butterfly connect code had been reset to the default of 1234 in the s/w update and there was now a new place the code under Setup->Device Connectivity Options...  
Silly me, I expect it will work OK now.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK
Timbo the Wizard
Timbo the Wizard
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I've had a problem getting SD to stay connected to PF for more than a few minutes (between 7 and 20) using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 or Tab 4 (Android), but have twice run it for over an hour without problem on an iPad (IOS8). Once the connection goes the only way of resolving the issue is resetting the Wifi. LX Avionics (PF dealer) told me that they've had a problem with PF and Android (something to do with update rate, I think the chap said).


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