first off, thank you for including such a nice feature! Now to my problem

... Since several people reported that the DSD TECH bluetooth adapters work also fine, I ordered them as well. And in my opinion I did almost everything to get it working, but is is not.
My setup:
DSD Tech HM-10
Trig TY 96 (to test the feature in the aircraft)
Trig TY 91 (to test the feature at the bench)
What is done and working:
- HM-10 connect succesfully to skydemon
- wiring done correctly to serial inferface of the radios
- I also tested the setup using my computer and a serial monitor (e.g. for clicking on the Bournemouth Approach frequency 119,480 in Skydemon I receive the following message $PGRMC01GC014< on my serial monitor)
What is not working:
When I do this with my Trig radios.
What I think what could be the problem:
The DSD Tech adapters can not handle a power supply of 5V from a different source than ground and rx signals are coming from. My usb-serial converter which I use on my computer provides vcc, ground, rx, tx from one source which is my computer. For the Trig radios thats a different story since they do not offer 5V output. So you have to get the 5V from another souce in your aircraft and that does not work. Maybe I'm completley wrong..
For the Funke ATR833 radio this problem does not exsist, since it offers a 5V output on pin 24 and therefore all signals that go to the bluetooth adapter come from one single source which is the ATR833. So far im guessing that only the IRXON adapter works with Trig radios, since it has a internal battery and can accept powering from external source.
My questions would be:
- Did someone succesfully connected a DSD TECH bluetooth adapter with a Trig radio?
- Did someone sucessfully connected a DSD TECH bluetooth adapter that is powered externally to any of the other features Skydemon offers using this functionality (auto pilot commands, traffic / gps information)?
- Is $PGRMC01GC014< the right received message to Bournemouth Approach frequency of 119,480?
Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you!