+x I_Need_Help - 9/3/2024 9:15:58 AM+x Kilo Lima - 9/3/2024 9:12:11 AM+x Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PMHi,I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?Thanks!Any idea please? Thanks for your help!That will depend on your aircraft type and what rules you operate under e,.g. certified, LAA or BMAA
+x Kilo Lima - 9/3/2024 9:12:11 AM+x Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PMHi,I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?Thanks!Any idea please? Thanks for your help!
+x Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PMHi,I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?Thanks!
+x I_Need_Help - 9/4/2024 11:01:15 AMI have had good results with these in past https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193552404580?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UdLxmPhjSYW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=M5gVARi1SJS&var=493775050618&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYAlso many people also fit a 12v socket and use a car usb adaptor but get a good make or you may get noise!
+x Michael Hoffmann - 8/26/2024 8:12:27 PMI have connected a DSD TECH HM-10 Bluetooth 4.0 BLE iBeacon UART module and can receive the "COM setting data" via RS232. This works really well.https://www.amazon.de/dp/B06WGZB2N4/ref=pe_27091401_487027711_TE_SCE_dp_i1 Is there a list of supported radios and their data format? Now I'm faced with the problem of wanting to control a Becker AR 6201 radio. It has an RS-422 interface. It shouldn't be a problem to convert RS232 to RS422, but the data format is unknown. Can anyone help?Thanks in advanceMichael
+x vikino - 8/4/2023 7:57:32 PMWell...lets take this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32967247206.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.58.166c1802dSZoK5I have tested theese BT-RS232 modules a lot by my self, it works great with Dynon EFIS-D100 + AP74 autopilot and Trig TY96 COM radio, also without any issue with KRT2 COM radio. You just need to "match" baudrate to 4800 or 9600bps, that should do in this case SkyDemon, afterwards it works like a charm, no drop outs with Samsung tablets or my phone Samsung S23 Ultra.And all another BT to RS232 work in the same way like this one, all are in the phone as bluetooth com port, all this seems to me much easier and more stable than 3rd party devices which are connected over wifi. Not talking about that you kill your internal data sim when connected to wifi of "ADAHRS" and so on...This will just work perfectly.Btw., with this, you can go to compleete system, because when you connect to this serial converter also Garrecht TRX1500 (for example), you can use SkyDemon as traffic display - by using GTX TIS protocol over that single BT-RS232 module.In the same way i have it with Garmin AERA 760, but planning a route is terrible on that device, but Garmin has built in RS232...
+x Tim Dawson - 7/5/2023 9:13:53 AMNo, not until there is a device with widespread uptake in the community that we can actually develop with. We can't just "support Bluetooth" without a known device to develop and test with.