Since newest version the sound behaviour of my iPad has changed.
Before, I could hear warnings from SkyDemon AND also listen to music from the iPad. The two sound sources were mixed together.
So I fed that combined sound via an audio cable from my iPad to the Audio IN of my Trig TY96 radio and in my Bose A20 headset, I could hear 3 different sources of sound : warnings from Skydemon, background music from my iPad and off course ATC in priority. The music was much appreciated by the passengers.
Life can be beautifull ;-))
Now since the newest version that has changed. :-(
If I have music playing in the background and SkyDemon sounds an alert, the music on my iPad stops playing.
The music also stops playing if a SkyDeomn timer goes off.
Can the previous functionality be restored in a way that alerts do not stop the music from playing as it was before ?
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards