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Connection issue with SkyEcho 2

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I have recently changed from Pilot Aware to SkyEcho2 for my EC device. I barely ever had any disconnection issue with PAW (I can recall 2 in over 2 years and always short-lived ones). I have been using SE2 for a few weeks now and get long disconnections every other flight. While in flight, SkyDemon shows the “Device Offline for XX seconds” pop-up for extended periods of time on my iPad. SE2’s GPS light remains green throughout the flight.

When checking the trace on Fligthradar24, my flights are perfectly recorded with no missing leg (was not the case with PAW). It does not seem to be a problem with the SE2 GPS receiver or ADS-B emitter.

There is still some issue with the Wifi connection between SD and SE2. Am I the only one with this issue? What can be done about it?

Here are my specs:
iPad Pro iOS14.1 running SD 3.14.5
iPhone X iOS 14.1
SE2 with firmware 0.2.26 (WiFi) and 2.6.9 (ADS-B)
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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When this happens, you need to check whether your iPad itself has disconnected itself from the SkyEcho's wifi hotspot. If this happens, there's nothing we can do about it from the SkyDemon side but you might be able to fix it with the iPad wifi configuration.

The next version of SkyDemon will tell you in the warning message if you've become disconnected from the SkyEcho's wifi.

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On a a local flight today with a new SkyEcho connected to SkyDemon using iphone6 suffered device offline message with ascending seconds counter. Both devices were fully charged.
Checked iPhone wifi and it had remained connected to SkyEcho Wifi.
Re-started SkyDemon but got waiting for connection message.
Switched SkyEcho off then on again and connection immediate.
This occurred about 30 mins into the flight and after the SkyEcho restart it remained working for 10 mins until shutdown.
Previous week on a circuit detail the combination worked perfectly for 75 mins.
I have used SkyDemon for over 6 years faultlessly with the iPhone.
I'm wondering if there is any difference in performance between the iPhone gps and SkyEcho gps as I could do without this distraction and just select iPhone if it prevented this offline situation.

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SkyEcho have suggested I should use my iPhone in Airplane mode when connecting to SkyEcho. They advised this is to ensure the phone isn’t searching for a mobile data connection which may cause a problem with the WiFi link.
As I operate the iPhone without a SIM I hadn’t thought of doing this but will do for future flights.
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Hi there,

I had the same connection issue with SkyEcho 2 in combination with my iPad Mini (4th gen). I had setup a password on the SE WiFi settings. Since I removed this password, I have no connection issues anymore! Maybe this fixes your problem, too.

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I know this is a very old post but when I read some of the comments I wonder whether some people understand any of the equipment they're attempting to use.

A great example: "When checking the trace on Fligthradar24, my flights are perfectly recorded with no missing leg (was not the case with PAW)".

FR24 shows ADSB and MLAT traffic. Why on earth do you think it would show PAW? It SHOULD show SE2, since that's ADSB but PAW is not. Small wonder it "was not the case" that your PAW tracks were not shown.

PS: Stella, if you're wondering.

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I just started seeing this issue of the SE2 dropping out.  I read over on the Flyer forum that I need to touch the ? to get it to use the built-in GPS - didn't know this, and I was doing the "stop navigating" and then "Go Fly" and selecting the built-in GPS.

Any idea why this started happening?  I've been using this exact setup for a while without issue, and suddenly...

Besides replacing the SE2 with something better, any hints for reducing the incidence of this?  

Any way to get SD to use the internal GPS for location, and then treat the traffic info from the SE2 as "nice to have"?  Or automatically switch GPS to internal (with a warning)?  Cheers!

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I would add my name to those seeing increased drop outs of SD with SkyEcho2. 
When approached on the subject, uAvionix sent me the previous software to the current version saying that there was not much in the present one for UK customers so it might improve things. They also had me increase the WiFi output signal to max strength. Whilst both these helped it seems to have got worse again on both my Samsung A7 Lite tablets. 

Whilst I appreciate that SD now gives a warning that it has lost its GPS input, I think it would benefit from also defaulting to the internal tablet GPS without delay (especially as I, and others operate IFR using SD to supplement the installed Garmin or Avidyne navigator). If you wanted to make this a selectable option then so be it, but having the comfort of a straight change over without having to select anything would be a great safety benefit.  If we then want to recycle the SE2 unit (which seems to be the only real fix) then we can do that at some more leisurely point in the flight.  
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If we just switched back to internal GPS without first getting your explicit approval, how would you know that you were no longer receiving traffic and that your traffic receiver had failed?
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Tim Dawson - 8/29/2023 9:32:44 AM
If we just switched back to internal GPS without first getting your explicit approval, how would you know that you were no longer receiving traffic and that your traffic receiver had failed?

I started getting an increase in dropouts SkyEcho 2 dropouts on both iPad Pro and iPhone XR.
After updating the SE2 to SkyEcho Wi-Fi Firmware v2.41 Update (Latest Release) 02/23/23 I have not had any dropouts.


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