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SkyDemon for Mac OS X (unofficially)

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Hmmm ... this happened usually when one tried to update oft of the last version by Rikur.

This should definitely not happen when having the version by Cessnaoui installiert as a base and then doing an Update out of this version. Are you really sure, that you are using the package wrapped by

Which version shows the Skydemon you are running?

Regards, Peter
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peter.kesten - 7/5/2019 2:09:11 PM
Hmmm ... this happened usually when one tried to update oft of the last version by Rikur.This should definitely not happen when having the version by Cessnaoui installiert as a base and then doing an Update out of this version. Are you really sure, that you are using the package wrapped by Which version shows the Skydemon you are running?Regards, Peter

Ok I finally got everything working again, including updates.

I uninstalled Sky Demon for Mac using AppCleaner and then removed hanging directories  as suggested by Rikur in an earlier post:
rm -rf $HOME/Documents/SkyDemon
rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Divelements Limited/"

I then reinstalled Sky Demon using Cessnaoui's build. I had to wait for a bit whilst Wine update itself. That's all.

Thanks for you help and suggestions.

Edited 7/5/2019 3:27:06 PM by SmoothFlyer
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Hi All,

Just moved from a PC to a Mac running Mojavie 10.14.5.

Is there an easy to follow guide on how to instal and run SkyDemon on my machine.

I've read the thread and come across things like winebotlle wrapper or similar - I have no idea what this means.

Many thanks

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hucbr600 - 8/14/2019 5:00:11 PM
Hi All,

Just moved from a PC to a Mac running Mojavie 10.14.5.

Is there an easy to follow guide on how to instal and run SkyDemon on my machine.

I've read the thread and come across things like winebotlle wrapper or similar - I have no idea what this means.

Many thanks

Thanks to the guidelines of Peter, I have been able to make a version that is working on my iMac Late 2013 with High Sierra.

Please find here the link to download the package:

The zip file contains the "Skydemon for" that you have to copy to your "Application" folder.

This version seems to be stable. I encountered one or two crashes but nothing blocking the use of the application.
Please note that I already had that behavior on previous versions of Skydemon for Mac.
Please note that once installed, Skydemon will download latest updates.

Good luck and have safe flights.

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Cessnaoui - 8/15/2019 2:50:20 PM
hucbr600 - 8/14/2019 5:00:11 PM
Hi All,

Just moved from a PC to a Mac running Mojavie 10.14.5.

Is there an easy to follow guide on how to instal and run SkyDemon on my machine.

I've read the thread and come across things like winebotlle wrapper or similar - I have no idea what this means.

Many thanks

Thanks to the guidelines of Peter, I have been able to make a version that is working on my iMac Late 2013 with High Sierra.

Please find here the link to download the package:

The zip file contains the "Skydemon for" that you have to copy to your "Application" folder.

This version seems to be stable. I encountered one or two crashes but nothing blocking the use of the application.
Please note that I already had that behavior on previous versions of Skydemon for Mac.
Please note that once installed, Skydemon will download latest updates.

Good luck and have safe flights.

Huge Thanks - downloaded and worked first time.

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rikur - 11/20/2015 9:44:00 PM
(updated August 2018)
I’ve created an up-to-date version of SkyDemon to run on macOS.
This is something I’ve done for my own benefit and happy to share, but isn’t supported by SkyDemon.

There are different versions depending upon the version of MacOSthat you are running:


For macOS versions prior to High Sierra:


For High Sierra:

Download this, uncompress it, then copy it to your Applications folder.

If you've already got an earlier version installed, first dragit from Applications folder to the Trash - you shouldn't lose anysettings when doing this, as these are stored separately in your Documentsfolder.


Important: The first time you run it, youwill need to locate it in the Applications folder from Finderand press the Control key, then click the app icon, then choose Open from theshortcut menu (this is because it is 'untrusted' - see: Wink. You may also have to click “Allow” to a pop-up about accepting inboundconnections.


When you first run SkyDemon it will check to see if a morerecent version is available, and if so will prompt you to download and installit.


Please use this thread for any specific feedback / issues withthis build (good or bad) - keep complaints about lack of native versionelsewhere. I can’t promise to fix everything - and indeed one day this mightall suddenly stop working when some unwanted update comes along. At the risk ofsounding like a lawyer, use entirely at your own risk.


Known issues:

As with the previous versions for Mac, there is now oneknown unresolved issue:

 - you must have a printer installed and configured beforeusing Print Centre, otherwise Print Centre won't work;


How does it work?: 

This uses a technology for wrapping Windows apps to run on macOScalled Wineskin, and should run on macOS 10.6 and above. It wraps SkyDemon forWindows. 

Hallo rikur,

all works fine, thank You for this contribution to the users!

But my latest Skydemon Version is and when I try to update the software I get the following text message:

"Go to the Windows Control Panel select Programs and Features then Turn Windows Features On or Off. Ensure .NET Framework 4 is turned on"

But I didn't find a way to do this. Unfortunately I can't update Skydemon. Do You Know a solution for this problem?

Gratfully Arno Fischer

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arnodieterfischer - 8/31/2019 12:40:29 PM
rikur - 11/20/2015 9:44:00 PM
(updated August 2018)
I’ve created an up-to-date version of SkyDemon to run on macOS.
This is something I’ve done for my own benefit and happy to share, but isn’t supported by SkyDemon.

There are different versions depending upon the version of MacOSthat you are running:


For macOS versions prior to High Sierra:


For High Sierra:

Download this, uncompress it, then copy it to your Applications folder.

If you've already got an earlier version installed, first dragit from Applications folder to the Trash - you shouldn't lose anysettings when doing this, as these are stored separately in your Documentsfolder.


Important: The first time you run it, youwill need to locate it in the Applications folder from Finderand press the Control key, then click the app icon, then choose Open from theshortcut menu (this is because it is 'untrusted' - see: Wink. You may also have to click “Allow” to a pop-up about accepting inboundconnections.


When you first run SkyDemon it will check to see if a morerecent version is available, and if so will prompt you to download and installit.


Please use this thread for any specific feedback / issues withthis build (good or bad) - keep complaints about lack of native versionelsewhere. I can’t promise to fix everything - and indeed one day this mightall suddenly stop working when some unwanted update comes along. At the risk ofsounding like a lawyer, use entirely at your own risk.


Known issues:

As with the previous versions for Mac, there is now oneknown unresolved issue:

 - you must have a printer installed and configured beforeusing Print Centre, otherwise Print Centre won't work;


How does it work?: 

This uses a technology for wrapping Windows apps to run on macOScalled Wineskin, and should run on macOS 10.6 and above. It wraps SkyDemon forWindows. 

Hallo rikur,

all works fine, thank You for this contribution to the users!

But my latest Skydemon Version is and when I try to update the software I get the following text message:

"Go to the Windows Control Panel select Programs and Features then Turn Windows Features On or Off. Ensure .NET Framework 4 is turned on"

But I didn't find a way to do this. Unfortunately I can't update Skydemon. Do You Know a solution for this problem?

Gratfully Arno Fischer

I just read the latest Information in this topic! Now I downloaded the version of Cessnaoui 

and now it seems to work fine! Thanks again Arno Fischer

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I'm running MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 and unfortunately cannot start the program. Always get this error message:

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Did you install the package created with winebottler by cessnaoui and me? Or do you still use the older wineskin versions generated by rikur? If so, change to the newer one and most hopefully it‘s done.
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Yes, I used the following link:

just did it again, same issue Sad


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