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Skyboy999 - 4/15/2017 6:47:48 AM
Would be useful to be able to insert a free format comment into planned route and for this to pop up for acknowledgement when in proximity.

This solution can meet my yesterday suggestion about a Timer creation.

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Absolutely a +1 from me!!!!

Select a point On the route, associate a freeform message with it and have it pop up when you reach it. -- Chris.
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I would like to push this up again.
Are there any plans to implement this feature in near future?

In addition to the waypoint triggered pop up messages I  also would like to suggest to have the possibility to add user defined comments/notes associated to a planed route.
These notes could then be stored together with the route data and synced over all devices and ideally also printed with the briefing pack.

Thanks for considering.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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This idea doesn't yet have enough support for it to make it onto our development schedule. It needs more support, and consistent ideas by contributors as to how it should work.
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SemperFi - 7/4/2018 10:33:32 PM
I tried to get the idea and maybe got it halfway. In my daily flying I do use the User Waypoint for such things, i.e. put a waypoint enroute named 'call 121.50' and get all information via the usual features - ETE to, distance etceteras. The only thing you wanna add is a pop up of a notes field to the user waypoint with more text to put? I don't feel that is necessary, but I am an old fart using my memory while flying ...

Yes, can see that would work in part but what I was looking for was the ability to attach notes to a point on route and have these pop up when approaching or in vicinity. Creating a user waypoint seems sub-optimal as would be restrictive on number of characters and, of course, create a waypoint that isn't really a waypoint. I had in mind something more like the pop up message that warns of approaching airspace but user-definable.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There are too many variables which haven't been agreed upon. How close to your point do you need to get? Then how far away, before the trigger is reset and you can activate it again? Should the alert persist on screen as long as you're in proximity? When should it go away? What if you don't notice it because you're flying, and then when you look down at the screen it has disappeared because you passed it?
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Tim Dawson - 7/9/2018 8:46:03 AM
There are too many variables which haven't been agreed upon. How close to your point do you need to get? Then how far away, before the trigger is reset and you can activate it again? Should the alert persist on screen as long as you're in proximity? When should it go away? What if you don't notice it because you're flying, and then when you look down at the screen it has disappeared because you passed it?

Hi Tim,

Regarding the range I would suggest to handle it in similar way as you already do with obstruction/airspace warnings or if feasible simply let the user define a trigger radius (in miles or time to approach) around the waypoint. The pop up should just stay open until dismissed/acknowledged  by the user. That way the user can't miss it. Regarding the trigger reset I would suggest to suppress further pop up for the same waypoint until the user is outside the trigger radius for longer than a certain time (e.g. 3 min). In this way, different types of aircraft with their different speeds would be automatically taken into account. Did I miss something?


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derWessi - 7/9/2018 12:49:12 PM
Tim Dawson - 7/9/2018 8:46:03 AM
There are too many variables which haven't been agreed upon. How close to your point do you need to get? Then how far away, before the trigger is reset and you can activate it again? Should the alert persist on screen as long as you're in proximity? When should it go away? What if you don't notice it because you're flying, and then when you look down at the screen it has disappeared because you passed it?

Hi Tim,

Regarding the range I would suggest to handle it in similar way as you already do with obstruction/airspace warnings or if feasible simply let the user define a trigger radius (in miles or time to approach) around the waypoint. The pop up should just stay open until dismissed/acknowledged  by the user. That way the user can't miss it. Regarding the trigger reset I would suggest to suppress further pop up for the same waypoint until the user is outside the trigger radius for longer than a certain time (e.g. 3 min). In this way, different types of aircraft with their different speeds would be automatically taken into account. Did I miss something?


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derWessi - 7/9/2018 12:49:12 PM
Tim Dawson - 7/9/2018 8:46:03 AM
There are too many variables which haven't been agreed upon. How close to your point do you need to get? Then how far away, before the trigger is reset and you can activate it again? Should the alert persist on screen as long as you're in proximity? When should it go away? What if you don't notice it because you're flying, and then when you look down at the screen it has disappeared because you passed it?

Hi Tim,

Regarding the range I would suggest to handle it in similar way as you already do with obstruction/airspace warnings or if feasible simply let the user define a trigger radius (in miles or time to approach) around the waypoint. The pop up should just stay open until dismissed/acknowledged  by the user. That way the user can't miss it. Regarding the trigger reset I would suggest to suppress further pop up for the same waypoint until the user is outside the trigger radius for longer than a certain time (e.g. 3 min). In this way, different types of aircraft with their different speeds would be automatically taken into account. Did I miss something?


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Posts: 51, Visits: 222
derWessi - 7/9/2018 12:49:12 PM
Tim Dawson - 7/9/2018 8:46:03 AM
There are too many variables which haven't been agreed upon. How close to your point do you need to get? Then how far away, before the trigger is reset and you can activate it again? Should the alert persist on screen as long as you're in proximity? When should it go away? What if you don't notice it because you're flying, and then when you look down at the screen it has disappeared because you passed it?

Hi Tim,

Regarding the range I would suggest to handle it in similar way as you already do with obstruction/airspace warnings or if feasible simply let the user define a trigger radius (in miles or time to approach) around the waypoint. The pop up should just stay open until dismissed/acknowledged  by the user. That way the user can't miss it. Regarding the trigger reset I would suggest to suppress further pop up for the same waypoint until the user is outside the trigger radius for longer than a certain time (e.g. 3 min). In this way, different types of aircraft with their different speeds would be automatically taken into account. Did I miss something?


Agree entirely- proximity per airspace, appear once, stay until cancelled.


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