Daniel Sinn
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Dear Skydemon Team,
do you have any update on this topic?
The fact that Skydemon is not supporting VFR flight plans with City names still prevents me from using Skydemon for filing my VFR flight plans.
An option where the users could choose if they prefer LAT/LON coordinates OR City Names in their flight plan would already be enough.
Thanks, Daniel
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+xDear Skydemon Team,
do you have any update on this topic?
The fact that Skydemon is not supporting VFR flight plans with City names still prevents me from using Skydemon for filing my VFR flight plans.
An option where the users could choose if they prefer LAT/LON coordinates OR City Names in their flight plan would already be enough.
Thanks, Daniel Why does it prevent you from using SkyDemon, when it allows you to edit the route field?
Tony N
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Out of interest, does the country that you fly in have a National on-line system for submitting flight plans? If so, does it allow for plans to be submitted with city names instead of Lat/Lon co-ordinates?
As far as I know you can only add city names (or similar) in Section 18 and 19. Information in Section 19 doesn't get transmitted with the FPL. Tony
Daniel Sinn
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+xWhy does it prevent you from using SkyDemon, when it allows you to edit the route field?
Because then the user experience is no more satisfying for an automatically filled-in flightplan. +xDianiel,
Out of interest, does the country that you fly in have a National on-line system for submitting flight plans? If so, does it allow for plans to be submitted with city names instead of Lat/Lon co-ordinates?
As far as I know you can only add city names (or similar) in Section 18 and 19. Information in Section 19 doesn't get transmitted with the FPL. Tony Yes, as I fly in Austria, we have homebriefing.com. Yes, they pefer to have the VFR-Flightplan routes to be filled in with written city-names.
My workflow for flights, which require VFR Flightplans is at the moment as follows:
Plan the route in Skydemon for Windows, then open the flightplan window in Skydemon. In parallel I open homebriefing.com in Chrome and create a new flightplan there. I fill in the same data as in the Skydemon flightplan window in all flighplan Sections except for the route. In the route section I type in the planned waypoints as city-names, copied from the Skydemon Pilot-Log.
If I could do that only on my iPad using Skydemon for the whole process, it would be much more efficient and convinient. But as Skydemon does not offer this discussed funktion until today, I have to use the before mentioned workflow, which is very disappointing as Skydemon offers many configurable settings for other functions.
Tony N
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+x+xWhy does it prevent you from using SkyDemon, when it allows you to edit the route field?
Because then the user experience is no more satisfying for an automatically filled-in flightplan. +xDianiel,
Out of interest, does the country that you fly in have a National on-line system for submitting flight plans? If so, does it allow for plans to be submitted with city names instead of Lat/Lon co-ordinates?
As far as I know you can only add city names (or similar) in Section 18 and 19. Information in Section 19 doesn't get transmitted with the FPL. Tony Yes, as I fly in Austria, we have homebriefing.com. Yes, they pefer to have the VFR-Flightplan routes to be filled in with written city-names.
My workflow for flights, which require VFR Flightplans is at the moment as follows:
Plan the route in Skydemon for Windows, then open the flightplan window in Skydemon. In parallel I open homebriefing.com in Chrome and create a new flightplan there. I fill in the same data as in the Skydemon flightplan window in all flighplan Sections except for the route. In the route section I type in the planned waypoints as city-names, copied from the Skydemon Pilot-Log.
If I could do that only on my iPad using Skydemon for the whole process, it would be much more efficient and convinient. But as Skydemon does not offer this discussed funktion until today, I have to use the before mentioned workflow, which is very disappointing as Skydemon offers many configurable settings for other functions. Daniel, I am really surprised that works, however seems to be something specific to Austrian flight plans. I found this document which shows what non ICAO compliant reporting points/names can be used in a route:
Over to Tim now!
Daniel Sinn
Group: Forum Members
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Looks like there will be no further statement on this topic from Skydemon, very disappointing for me.
Tim Dawson
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As it happens, we are spending some time on flightplan filing ready for the next version and this topic came up. We are discussing adding an option which would preserve town/city names only, in the route field, with an associated warning that the flightplan would no longer be ICAO-compliant.
The Austrian document is interesting. It specifically states that it applies to flightplans filed WITHIN Austria, but most people file flightplans in order to facilitate a journey from one country to another. Are you asking for this option for flights within Austria, or for international flights?
Daniel Sinn
Group: Forum Members
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+xAs it happens, we are spending some time on flightplan filing ready for the next version and this topic came up. We are discussing adding an option which would preserve town/city names only, in the route field, with an associated warning that the flightplan would no longer be ICAO-compliant.
The Austrian document is interesting. It specifically states that it applies to flightplans filed WITHIN Austria, but most people file flightplans in order to facilitate a journey from one country to another. Are you asking for this option for flights within Austria, or for international flights? Hello Tim,
thanks for your hopeful answer. I am / we are looking for that feature for both flights - within Austria and also in the surrounding countries. I think with your Idea about a warning field about the ICAO compliance that would be feasible.
Tim Dawson
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I'm afraid when nobody replied to this offer the topic slipped down to the bottom of the list again. It really doesn't seem to be an issue for most people.
Group: Forum Members
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Hello! Please do not stop this feature ;-) I had this question a looong time ago here in the forum, but I was told that you will not implement that, so please stick on this topic and make it an option as mentioned above.
I fly from Austria to Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech and Slovakia regularly and I file flightplans with city names for every flight and I never had a problem.
So please make this option as mentioned - that is a big feature for us here in central europe. Btw, I also asked an air traffic controller from Austria and he told me, that they hate the skydemon style with its coordinates, but they cannot do anything against ;-)
Cheers, Bernhard.