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Flightplan filing city names

Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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Am i stupid or is it still not possible that skydemon can fill in the city names of the planned waypoints in the route field of the flightplan?
To file a flightplan with a route consistig of city names is usually used by VFR pilots in austria! It would be very disappointig if this feature is further unavailable in this very exiting program.
Greetings from austria
Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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SemperFi - 11/10/2017 2:22:45 PM
I never filed city names for Austria, would not have come into mind. Is that an AT internals speciality?

As we were teached so in our flight training, i usually file flightplans with names of well-known cities as well as VFR reporting points of airports etc. Though, all of my filed flighplans (through homebriefing) were accepted without any problems. 

Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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SemperFi - 11/12/2017 11:09:39 AM
rafale52 - 11/11/2017 5:04:22 PM
SemperFi - 11/10/2017 2:22:45 PM
I never filed city names for Austria, would not have come into mind. Is that an AT internals speciality?

As we were teached so in our flight training, i usually file flightplans with names of well-known cities as well as VFR reporting points of airports etc. Though, all of my filed flighplans (through homebriefing) were accepted without any problems. 

Which school did teach that? AFAIK this is not ICAO compatible.

As i read in other topics about this (yes 2014 was posted a similar topic in the skydemon forum) the austrocontrol really prefers names of well-known places / cities above coordinates (VFR only). Also other Austria-specific rules exist (for exaple NOATA - which is now invalid with the new SERA). 
To be shure, i will write an request to austrocontrol ;-) 
But nevertheless, all my flightplanes in the past 4 years were accepted by filing them with city names.

Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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Posts: 44, Visits: 13
Even though it is sunday, i have gotten some information from austro control (in german). 
T‌hey say for example for a flight from LOLW (Wels) to LOWL (Linz) filing the route field with "SATTLEDT STEYR OSCAR" is according to the valid rules of AIC A18/17 & ICAO Difference acc. AIP Austria & ÖNfL Kapitel 2 - Nummer 227.
N‌ow i am working through this documents and see if i can find anything according my task.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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AustroControl want pilots to use plain-text names for cities etc when filing ICAO flightplans in Austria. There are two problems with this: 1. ICAO flightplans may not have such names in them, according to the specification, and 2. flightplans are by their very nature international, which means Austria will not be the only country receiving them. Other countries' systems may (quite rightly) object to the presence of plain text city names, which are of course not machine readable.

You are free to replace the legal coordinates SkyDemon inserts in your flightplans with their original city names.‌
Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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Tim Dawson - 11/13/2017 2:13:12 PM
AustroControl want pilots to use plain-text names for cities etc when filing ICAO flightplans in Austria. There are two problems with this: 1. ICAO flightplans may not have such names in them, according to the specification, and 2. flightplans are by their very nature international, which means Austria will not be the only country receiving them. Other countries' systems may (quite rightly) object to the presence of plain text city names, which are of course not machine readable.

You are free to replace the legal coordinates SkyDemon inserts in your flightplans with their original city names.‌

Hello Tim,

thanks for your reply. Would it be possible to make a funktion where you can turn this on/off in the options menu that through that city names can be automatically filled in? That would be very convinient for austrian pilots like me ;-)

Thanks a lot
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Possible yes, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. I have always worked under the assumption that at some point, AustroControl would realise it's stupid asking for city names in flightplans and move over to a decent system which machine-reads the flightplans for display on a map, instead of (presumably) the human-read system they have at the moment.
Daniel Sinn
Daniel Sinn
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Tim Dawson - 11/13/2017 2:38:22 PM
Possible yes, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. I have always worked under the assumption that at some point, AustroControl would realise it's stupid asking for city names in flightplans and move over to a decent system which machine-reads the flightplans for display on a map, instead of (presumably) the human-read system they have at the moment.

Hi Tim,

Thanks a lot - yes at some points austrocontrol is perhaps a little bit complicated. ‌‌
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Directly; there's no central system for VFR flightplans. If only there were.
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The problem with geo coordinates instead of recognizable names is that during in-flight communication with the pilot you will never be asked to report N4703E01544 but, e.g., SOPRO. All further communication with the pilot will use names instead of coordinates. Therefore names DO make sense and whatever the machine can or cannot read should adapt to what humans require and are comfortable with. Not the other way around.

-- Chris.‌‌


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