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I work on Raspberry Pi and ADS-B receivers to feed FR24 and Radarvirtuel and yesterday I discovered the Stratux project. I tested it with Foreflight and could see my local traffics Smile. But I'm flying in Europe and I love SD, is there a way to use Stratux signals with SD ? Or stratux's support can be added in addition of Flarm ?


Sky Painter
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Antoine - 9/1/2016 2:41:23 PM
I work on Raspberry Pi and ADS-B receivers to feed FR24 and Radarvirtuel and yesterday I discovered the Stratux project. I tested it with Foreflight and could see my local traffics Smile. But I'm flying in Europe and I love SD, is there a way to use Stratux signals with SD ? Or stratux's support can be added in addition of Flarm ?



You should take a look here:-

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5487, SD

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Hello Mike,

I've heard about Pilotaware a few days ago, but after thinking about it, I don't want to buy one. Here are the reasons (for me) :

- they're out of stock
- it's expensive (>150£) and needs to buy a new licence every year
- it doesn't detect the Flarm equipped aircrafts (usually Gliders and Helicopters)

If I use my own Raspberry with stratux and flarm (with two tnt dongles), I think I'll have a more usefull device for less money Wink

So I'm very interested on native stratux integration in SD.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I do not believe Stratux is a popular traffic awareness solution in Europe so we couldn't (yet) add an option for it in SkyDemon. However there's nothing to stop you taking Stratux output and making it conform to the FLARM protocol, like PilotAware does, at which point SkyDemon will recognise it.
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Shifu - 9/14/2016 3:20:39 PM
Tim Dawson - 9/5/2016 10:29:30 AM
I do not believe Stratux is a popular traffic awareness solution in Europe so we couldn't (yet) add an option for it in SkyDemon. However there's nothing to stop you taking Stratux output and making it conform to the FLARM protocol, like PilotAware does, at which point SkyDemon will recognise it.

AFAIK, while Stratux does offer 1090ES traffic reception, it focusses on FIS-B and TIS-B over 978UAT functions, which services are not available in Europe, so little use to implement such things for us EOAT. Further on, 978 is not an agreed worldwide free frequency and was/is(?) used by several military organizations in certain areas of the world, so outside the US and absolute worst case, there is a very low but non-zero probability reception of it could be treated as bad as an act of terrorism.
Ok ok ! I give up Wink

I think I confused between ADS-B via Stratux and PCAS (I saw it on a GNS430 in a Cirrus) ... I'll read a little on the internet to be sure to have understood correctly !


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I think you've understood correctly.

S‌ky Demon now offers the GDL-90 protocol which I think Stratux uses. However I don't think Sky Demon is currently set up to monitor the correct IP address or ports. Is this change in the pipeline?
A‌ntoine, have you got the Flarm reception to also output over the GDL-90 protocol or somehow also feed into the Stratux software?

Edited 12/7/2016 2:55:15 PM by Paul_Sengupta
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Stratux can be used with SD with DL90 and FLARM. You need to compile stratux from GitHub FLARM-Network and update the files in the stratux image. You also need to make sure, that the ip from stratux will be changed from to Don't forget to correct /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf for the new ip range.
‌GDL90 is not stable at the moment, so at the moment i can live with FLARM

‌Kind regards

Edited 1/13/2017 11:43:23 AM by piperpa28
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How do you change the IP Address on the Raspberry Pi running the standard Statux image?
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eight10man - 1/27/2017 8:51:35 AM
How do you change the IP Address on the Raspberry Pi running the standard Statux image?

You need to login via SSH and change /etc/network/interfaces and change to
‌As i mentioned in Post 7 you need also to change the ip range for DHCP for the subnet

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Just tried it with the latest Sky Demon and I'm receiving traffic from my Stratux via the GDL-90 protocol and the default Stratux address of Smile
Edited 1/29/2017 10:45:28 PM by Paul_Sengupta

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