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Using iPad SkyDemon Navigation with FSX

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Have downloaded HW VSP3 software, installed it, and run it. I've set it up exactly as in your forum article. However, the 'Create COM' button never becomes active, it's greyed out so I can't create the virtual port. I checked the Advanced tab and my local machine IP and the port number are not the same as in your settings for COM7. I assume this is not the problem. Any suggestions?
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Posts: 14, Visits: 94
Great news - With the latest version of Skydemon it's now possible to use the new X-flight connection option to connect your Ipad running Skydemon to FSX.

Unfortunately I've not found a free way to do it, but the paid solution (Currently $19) works very well and doesn't need much setting up at all.

The product required to do this is called FSXFlight from and was designed to do exactly the same thing for Foreflight. It provides the same type of GPS feed for FSX that Xplane natively has. Using Skydemon on the Ipad while flying in the Sim is a very good experience and does add a whole new dimension on the reality front, as well as freeing up the second monitor to display plates.

Thanks again Skydemon!

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Posts: 19, Visits: 84
Wow thanks for the heads up on this one.

Ive just bought this and it worked first time!

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Posts: 14, Visits: 94
OK, better still I've found a free way to connect the iPad, FSX and Skydemon together. does the same thing as FSXFlight, but it's gratis.

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Posts: 19, Visits: 76
Many thanks for that link to flightsimgps.

The X-plane Skydemon connection is now working with FSX on my Nexus 7 Smile

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Posts: 9, Visits: 44
Skydemon for iPad and Prepar3D or FSX works fine with
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Posts: 28, Visits: 93
I have the trial for skydemon 3.0.5 on the ipad and downloaded the free FlightSimGPS.
After starting FS2004 I start the skydemon on the ipad and set in the connectivity setting
the X-plane and skydemon waits for the location data.
Then I start the GPS program and it connects to FS2004 but the same time skydemon crashes
and closes down.

Greetz Peter
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Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Hi Ian can you tell me are you using ipad 1 has the new version of SD needs operating system 6 which is not available on ipad 1 and if so where is the connection info within SkyDemon on ipad
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We've seen a few crash logs from people trying to do this, which indicate that your simulator is sending out a garbage GPS location. We've added protection against this for future versions so it will not crash in future, but perhaps ensure that your simulator is sending out a sensible position within a SkyDemon-charted country?
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Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Hi Tim
is this new connection option only available in the very latest ipad version that will no update on ipad first generation if not can you tell me how to locate it

""Great news - With the latest version of Skydemon it's now possible to use the new X-flight connection option to connect your Ipad running Skydemon to FSX""

Thanks Paul Marchinton

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