+x marioair - 4/13/2023 4:56:04 AMI’m looking at this from another angle. As an IR rated pilot, even if I fly VFR I always set flight rules to mixed so I pick up the I NOTAMs. For NOTAMs specifically I’d like a default way of always showing mixed regardless of flight rules.
+x Tim Dawson - 3/17/2023 9:58:57 AMWell, this is the right forum for people to weigh in, if it's generally thought that the way we do things could be better.For the moment, think of the SkyDemon NOTAM briefing as any other, where you need to specify your flight rules as IFR if you want NOTAM included that are targeted at IFR flights.
+x Tim Dawson - 3/16/2023 10:40:18 AMWe would disagree there; people generally want fewer NOTAMs not more.