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Improve alternate planning

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Richard747 - 6/20/2022 10:30:14 PM
I would also like the ability to plan (rubber band) the routing to the destination alternate please,
It would just be an option for those who wanted to use it, those who don’t can simply  ignore it.
A sensible routing / altitude from a missed approach at destination could produce a realistic fuel requirement.
In addition many of the items shown via the red Warnings tab are due to the direct routing assumed from destination to destination alternate going through CAS, restricted areas etc.
This reduces the effectiveness of the pre-flight gross error check on the planned route by swamping it with unnecessary warnings.

i agree 100%. From a safety perspective, alternate planning seems like an after thought. Without being to actually plan a route to the alternate:

  • The NOTAM may be wrong
  • The fuel planning and PLOG will be wrong
  • The airspace warnings will be wrong

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I would also like the ability to plan (rubber band) the routing to the destination alternate please,
It would just be an option for those who wanted to use it, those who don’t can simply  ignore it.
A sensible routing / altitude from a missed approach at destination could produce a realistic fuel requirement.
In addition many of the items shown via the red Warnings tab are due to the direct routing assumed from destination to destination alternate going through CAS, restricted areas etc.
This reduces the effectiveness of the pre-flight gross error check on the planned route by swamping it with unnecessary warnings.

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Yes I am. But how does that help? Autorouter has same limitation.
Edited 9/10/2019 4:49:40 PM by marioair
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You do know that in iOS you can export the validated route from Autorouter and share it straight into SkyDemon, don’t you?
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Tim Dawson - 9/10/2019 2:18:21 PM
I'm with Mike on this one. The notion of planning a detailed route to your alternate requires knowing the position you'll be diverting FROM. There isn't a good way of doing that.

You have to do this when filing a flight plan to ensure you have calculated the fuel plan correctly. At the moment there's no way of doing this 
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm with Mike on this one. The notion of planning a detailed route to your alternate requires knowing the position you'll be diverting FROM. There isn't a good way of doing that.
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Assessing this may take us one step closer to making SD a one stop shop for IFR planning. That and integrating autorouter. Smile
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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OK, let's put this one to bed!

When I plan a route and I'm considering alternates, I look closely at the airspace between my route and each proposed alternate as part of the selection process. If I end up having to divert to one of my alternates (by routing direct) and there is controlled/restricted airspace between me and the alternate, then I use SD to tactically navigate my way under, over or around the said airspace, using SD's excellent airspace and NOTAM warnings or, if appropriate, I will contact the controlling authority, and request a transit clearance.

When I learnt to fly, and in the years following, GPS was the stuff of science fiction! Until the advent of SD, my flying was done using paper charts, a stopwatch, a ruler/protractor and, of course, Mk1 eyeball, and was mostly non-radio. Over the years, I have flown my fair share of diversions using this 'technology' and compared with this, any diversion using SD is a breeze.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
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PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD

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I'm shocked but not surprised about @skypainter and @ grahamb's responses. nothing really related to the SD software now, so I'll just clarify my position but agree that every pilot has their own standards and protocols. 

Sky Painter - 9/2/2019 10:50:35 AM
marioair - 9/1/2019 8:26:19 PM
So how do you know what route to take to your alternate? You memorise it? You draw it on a chart?

As I made clear at the start, the decision to divert to an alternate sometimes has to be made before arriving at your destination. In these circumstances, a planned route to your alternate is useless. So, having made the decision to divert to an alternate, I then Route Direct.

I am not disagreeing about needing to divert before DEST. However what you are saying (either explicitly or by omission of your full thought process) is that are happy just hitting direct to alternate and either blindly flying that route with disregard to any restricted airspace on that direct route. OR (i hope) you're happy to tactically navigate using SDs airspace and NOTAM warnings. At the moment, with the way SD is built, that is what you get. But I am want to be a old not bold pilot so like to have looked at the various aspects of a flight between somewhere near my DEST and my ALT on the ground, so that if I do have to invoke this I know what to expect. I would like a way of saving and planning this in SD so i dont have to either (a) find a bunch of notes to refer to or (b) hurriedly run through the NOTAMs and airspace in the air to figure out what it important and what is not

grahamb - 9/2/2019 11:11:34 AM
If people think diverting on the fly is high workload with tools like SkyDemon at our disposal, they should try doing it with paper charts and bulky flight guides full of paper plates!

Do your planning beforehand, look at your options and possible diversion routes on the ground, and a diversion with SD really doesn't have to be a big drama. 

I am not saying do the diversion using the paper charts, please read my posts. What I am saying is you can plan your diversion route before taking off using paper, SD, whatever you prefer. If you however realise you cannot do a direct to it, it would be nice to have this planned in skydemon. In other words your alternate route is not a direct but a PLANNED route from DEST to ALT. Your previously mentioned option of adding it as a destination doesn't work for reasons i have mentioned. Your option of having it as a second save route from DEST to ALT could work, but seems a bit fiddly for what would be a high workload situation

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Posts: 570, Visits: 27K
If people think diverting on the fly is high workload with tools like SkyDemon at our disposal, they should try doing it with paper charts and bulky flight guides full of paper plates!

Do your planning beforehand, look at your options and possible diversion routes on the ground, and a diversion with SD really doesn't have to be a big drama. 


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