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Improve alternate planning

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 115
I would also like the ability to plan (rubber band) the routing to the destination alternate please,
It would just be an option for those who wanted to use it, those who don’t can simply  ignore it.
A sensible routing / altitude from a missed approach at destination could produce a realistic fuel requirement.
In addition many of the items shown via the red Warnings tab are due to the direct routing assumed from destination to destination alternate going through CAS, restricted areas etc.
This reduces the effectiveness of the pre-flight gross error check on the planned route by swamping it with unnecessary warnings.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 158, Visits: 1
Richard747 - 6/20/2022 10:30:14 PM
I would also like the ability to plan (rubber band) the routing to the destination alternate please,
It would just be an option for those who wanted to use it, those who don’t can simply  ignore it.
A sensible routing / altitude from a missed approach at destination could produce a realistic fuel requirement.
In addition many of the items shown via the red Warnings tab are due to the direct routing assumed from destination to destination alternate going through CAS, restricted areas etc.
This reduces the effectiveness of the pre-flight gross error check on the planned route by swamping it with unnecessary warnings.

i agree 100%. From a safety perspective, alternate planning seems like an after thought. Without being to actually plan a route to the alternate:

  • The NOTAM may be wrong
  • The fuel planning and PLOG will be wrong
  • The airspace warnings will be wrong


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