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Skyguide Swiss VFR Manual - missing documents and typo

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 33, Visits: 277
Hello SD team,

Currently, I have a paper version of the Swiss VFR Manual and I subscribed to your version. Unfortunately, there are several missing documents. If you do not fix this problem in 2 weeks, I will need to pay for a renewal of my Skyguide subscription and my satisfaction about your support will be less and I might choose to not renew the subscription to your products.

The following documents are missing:
- all SUPs, i.e. 002/14 (RAC 5-2 SUPPLEMENT pages from 1 to 4), 004/14 (RAC 5-4 SUPPLEMENT pages 1 and 2), 001/15 (RAC 5-1 SUPPLEMENT pages 1 and 2), 002/15 (RAC 5-5 pages from 1 to 6)
- AGA 3-3 APP 1
- RAC 4-0-0-3 and RAC 4-0-0-4 (RAC 4-0-0 stops at page 2, the pages 3 and 4 are missing)
- Leysin heliport (LSXY): Visual Approach Chart LSXY HEL 1
- Schaffhausen aerodrome (LSPF): Visual Approach Chart LSPF VAC 4
- Untervaz heliport (LSXU): Visual APCH(DEP Chart LSXU HEL 3

There is a typo :
- Heliport LSXA, replace the name Tsvasana by Tavanasa

Based at LSGL (Lausanne - La Blécherette, in Switzerland)


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