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SkyDemon for Mac OS X (unofficially)

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Posts: 132, Visits: 632
(updated August 2018)
I’ve created an up-to-date version of SkyDemon to run on macOS.
This is something I’ve done for my own benefit and happy to share, but isn’t supported by SkyDemon.

There are different versions depending upon the version of MacOSthat you are running:


For macOS versions prior to High Sierra:


For High Sierra:

Download this, uncompress it, then copy it to your Applications folder.

If you've already got an earlier version installed, first dragit from Applications folder to the Trash - you shouldn't lose anysettings when doing this, as these are stored separately in your Documentsfolder.


Important: The first time you run it, youwill need to locate it in the Applications folder from Finderand press the Control key, then click the app icon, then choose Open from theshortcut menu (this is because it is 'untrusted' - see: Wink. You may also have to click “Allow” to a pop-up about accepting inboundconnections.


When you first run SkyDemon it will check to see if a morerecent version is available, and if so will prompt you to download and installit.


Please use this thread for any specific feedback / issues withthis build (good or bad) - keep complaints about lack of native versionelsewhere. I can’t promise to fix everything - and indeed one day this mightall suddenly stop working when some unwanted update comes along. At the risk ofsounding like a lawyer, use entirely at your own risk.


Known issues:

As with the previous versions for Mac, there is now oneknown unresolved issue:

 - you must have a printer installed and configured beforeusing Print Centre, otherwise Print Centre won't work;


How does it work?: 

This uses a technology for wrapping Windows apps to run on macOScalled Wineskin, and should run on macOS 10.6 and above. It wraps SkyDemon forWindows. 

Edited 8/13/2018 9:26:10 AM by Tim Dawson
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Great idea ... but it refuses to update the charts.
Have tried updating one country at a time but without success.
Have tried deleting the content of the SkyDemon folder in Documents but also without success.

I guess I will have to continue using the web version ... but it does not enable to save a flight plan in the Garmin format (.fpl) as it lacks a "save as" option.
Tim, could you fix this ?

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you're not alone with this problem - for some it has worked fine, others have got stuck .... not sure what causes it, have you got a debug.log file in the Documents/SkyDemon folder?

A possible work-around could be to manually download the UK charts from and copying this file to Documents/SkyDemon/Charts/uk-6.skydata

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Posts: 8, Visits: 28
Hello, thank you for the Mac Version. 
Alas the download of charts does not work. The markered charts cannot be downloaded, the not markered charts 
allthough not downloaded show a correct date of the new validity.
Is there a possibility to make the download work?

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not sure what's causing this issue....  can I ask a few things:
1) what version of OS X are you using?
2) have you ever had skydemon working previously on your Mac?
3) In Finder, browse to the Documents folder, does it contain a SkyDemon folder, does this folder contain license.skdl and a Charts folder? Does it contain a debug.log?
4) Can you manually download the data from:   ?
Edited 11/22/2015 8:57:36 PM by rikur
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Posts: 8, Visits: 28
Good evening,
thank you for the reply.
I have Macbook pro  bought in 2015 with elcapitan (10.11.1).
I have a Chart Folder in the skydemon Folder and a licence but no debug.
Skydemon worked before I upgraded to elcapitan.
I can download uk-6 skydata but cannot open it.
Yours Gernot
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Hi Gernot,
(grasping at straws) this may possibly be due to remains of your previous install still being present....
open a Terminal window  ( cmd + [space] then type 'terminal' ) then type....

mv "$HOME/library/application support/Divelements Limited" "$HOME/library/application support/Divelements old"
mv "$HOME/documents/SkyDemon" "$HOME/documents/SkyDemon old"

This will move existing SkyDemon config out of the way - then start SkyDemon again and see if it is any better.
If this fails, you could manually move the uk-6.skydata file from Downloads to the Documents/SkyDemon/Charts folder.
Edited 11/23/2015 9:19:28 PM by rikur
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Posts: 8, Visits: 28
Hi rikur,
thanks a lot.
But I tell you I have surrendered.
I tried it.
Now I use skydemon on ipad mini and windows 7 computer.
I am not the person to spend hours to make a program run.

Good luck

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Posts: 28, Visits: 85
Charts won't download
1) what version of OS X are you using?
2) have you ever had skydemon working previously on your Mac?
3) In Finder, browse to the Documents folder,
does it contain a SkyDemon folder, Yes
does this folder contain license.skdl and a Charts folder? Yes
Does it contain a debug.log? No
4) Can you manually download the data from:   ?                               
Yes the manual download of data works. Everthing works fine but the charts download.
Do you have a link for France & Benelux data?
Edited 11/28/2015 9:57:52 PM by C82R
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C82R (11/28/2015)

Do you have a link for France & Benelux data?

However, I'm not sure how reliable this approach is - for example these links might stop working or may not ensure that you have up to date charts. 
Still no idea why some people cannot download the charts unfortunately.

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