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Crash on Android 4.4.2 / SD 3.0.3

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Thanks for the great feedback. Good to see I was wrong when thinking this issue was not really considered by the team.

As regards Xamarin version, I've been confused by several "hints" I should have misinterpreted: the log verbosity (It has changed with the last Xamarin versions) and ART incompatibility (last Xamarin versions are said to be "ART ready"). My bad, sorry.

As regards my devices, I'm afraid I can't lend any of them. I have though about that already.
  • One is from another pilot and is his only device.
  • One is my ... phone (Nexus 5).
  • One is a Nexus 7 2013 (the one I've factory restored) I use for my daily job. What's more, I've just switched it to use ART by default: it's the standard with the incoming Android update and I'm involved in (other) software testing in order to make sure everything is fine before it happens. It makes it a very bad candidate for SD.
So, only one is really available, my personal Nexus 7 2013 on which I spend a lot of time ...

Anyway, of course I'm interested in spending time working with you to solve this issue!
Sending you a message right now.

I'll also have a quick look at the new beta (already installed).

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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So it turns out we don't quite have the latest Xamarin.Android version; we are compiling with 4.12.2 and it's 4.12.3 which has the full ART runtime support. We will work on upgrading to that over the next day or so.

In the meantime we have the April 30 beta at the link below, which is compiled with 4.12.2 and we upgraded all our Android SDK tools for this build too. Preliminary feedback has been encouraging that some of the stability problems experienced by a few users have gone.

We have also built SkyDemon 3.0.2 from the source code used at the time to produce that build, but again with the latest tools. This build is available at the address below, should anybody still find stability problems with the April 30 beta and want to see if 3.0.2 is any better.

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I just tried the 3.0.2 version.
I got two silent crashes.
The first when stopping the navigation, the second when opening a road from the cloud.
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After trying the 3.0.2 without success, I have just downloaded the 3.0.7.
Got a silent crash the second time I downloaded a road from the cloud...
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm not quite sure what you mean by a silent crash. If you mean SkyDemon disappears leaving you with the desktop, that is a crash. If this happens regularly, firstly please let us know the email address of your account so we can check whether we're being sent any details of the crash. If we are not, then to get details you need to access the console on your Android device which (unfortunately) is a pain.

We're working hard on trying a bunch of things at the moment to hopefully make this better, though.

We have just published a new 3.0.7 beta, dated May 2nd. This is built with slightly newer tools and should support the new ART runtime. We have also changed a couple of things in the code which may help. We need feedback from people to tell us whether this latest beta is more stable than the current 3.0.6 public release on your devices.
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I also use "silent crash" to define the way SD is crashing because, unlike most of Android apps, SD does not generate any popup when crashing to allow the user to send a report to the developer.
It would be great to have such a capability because, even if accessing the logs is not really difficult, it's not something you can ask to regular users. We're perhaps missing a lot of interesting feedback from the silent majority here.

Anyway, I've tested 3.0.7 beta, dated May 2nd, and the result is not different. SD still crashes, mostly when refreshing the radar view (when navigating, or adding a point to a route).
The difference is that, from this version, the default log level is way lower, and I haven't been able to collect anything except a "Process aero.skydemon.skydemonandroid (pid 23158) has died" (no mono-rt lines).

Looking at Xamarin documentation, it seems it's possible to change the log level by setting some environment variables, but I haven't tried yet.

Edited 5/5/2014 9:18:44 AM by MikeTwoOne
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Hi folks

I have now invested different SD versions 3.0.6, 3.0.7 and the rebuild version (new tool environement) of 3.0.2. No change at all, and no solution in sight.

It is easy to reproduce the silent crash on my Nexus7. I tried it now for several days in flight and in the car for at least 10 hours. The crashes happen in the flight mode, in the simulation mode SD runs stable. After resetting the tablet SD runs stable for a longer time, up to one hour.

As you see that the first silent crashes are from december 2013, it may be a long way to come to an end, I fear.


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By "silent crash" I also mean a crash without pop up log report.

I confirm you that the 3.0.2 and 3.07 are crashing.

I'm using the 3.0.7 and I had a crash when closing the simulation mode this morning (+ the "normal" crashes when planning and flying).

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm not sure why you're not being offered the popup when it crashes, I will look in to it. That would probably help us as we'd have quite a few more logs to go on.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I have some good news. We have managed to reproduce the occasional crash matching the logs we've been sent here in our office, and are making some progress towards understanding the cause. There's still a way to go, but we have already made some progress. Today's beta should see an improvement to the stability issues. It won't be perfect yet; work is on-going.

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