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Superb integration of geo-referenced approach plates

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
Just to make it publically known that I am really excited about how you have integrated geo-referenced plates. Now they really do present an invaluable help to pilots and improve situational awareness tremendously.

The only downside is that they are only available from the UK, Germany, France and Italy. In my opinion they represent such a leap forward that something needs to be done to make them available for other countries as well.

Do you see a way which would make geo-referenced plates more widely available? Is there some way in which I could help with that? I wrote software used to geo-reference approach plates for import into the MGL line of EFIS. I don't know how that would help but at least I know what's required...

Thanks, -- Chris.
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Posts: 265, Visits: 3.5K
Sorry, but I think the integration of the georeferenced maps is far from being superb.

I bought them (the German ones) some days ago and after a brief comparison between SD's maps and AirNavPro's I've come to the conclusion that AirNavPro's solution looks much better. The main reason is that in SD both scales (that of the main map and that of the superimposed appch map) don't match. Although the clarity of the main chart in SD is much better than in ANP, the sharpness of the appch plates in ANP is better.

Don't get me wrong, my first choice when planning and flying is SD, but georeferenced charts in SD don't look good to me. Maybe I'm spoiled by ANP's excellent integration of the appch plates.

Edited 1/10/2013 10:19:22 PM by efrenken
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Eric, you don't have to be sorry, but please provide us with an example of what you mean so that we can see what is wrong.

The georeferenced plates absolutely line up with the SkyDemon vector chart artefacts when integrated; that is the whole point.
graham elvis
graham elvis
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I also love the plates but, as always, having been given a new toy, I want more!

I would like to see the circuit / no-fly zone diagrams added so that the plate appears on top of the circuit, ideally both on top of the route lines. It would probably need the supplier to verify that they are to scale - I'm not sure they all are.

I think I found a bug - look at Pooley's Turweston plate as a pdf then look at the geo-referenced version - it looks distorted. Google Earth visually matches the pdf.

Keep up the good work!

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