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Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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No, you haven't received such a message from our support. We have not yet submitted anything to Apple.

I can say that we've been beta testing a version which we believe fixes the regression in stability that a few people have been experiencing in v2.5 for iPad. We've still got just a few places open on our iPad beta programme so if a couple of people in this thread who've been having bad crashing could get in touch via our contact page preferably within the next few hours, I can get a beta build to you this evening and you can verify.
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Thank you Tim.

I think mesages such as yours here are pivotal in focussing our efforts to help you get this bug sorted out sooner than later.

It is also for this very reason and firm belief in the SD Team's ability that my subscription does not expire until end of 2015!

Is it advisable to add "SD iPAD stability" current thread to this thread here as it appears to be discussing the same issue?

Have a Happy New Year all of you at the SD Team.   

Very Newbytheway

Edited 1/15/2013 6:22:50 PM by Runways
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I've had this issue for a long time on my iPad1 with 5.1.1. It is most certainly a RAM issue as I now seem to have fairly reliable results by doing the following;

Double tap the Home button to see all running apps, press and hold on an app until the small red x appears in the top left corner, close ALL applications including SkyDemon if it has crashed.

Finally I run the System Status App which has a Memory Release function on the Memory page (top right hand corner)

I suggest that iOS 5.1.1 is not very good at managing the small (my first computer had 1K memory as standard, never imagined I would be referring to 256MB as small, especially for a handheld device!) amount of RAM the iPad has at it's disposal once system functions are loaded.

I've carried out some long flights after doing this with reliable results from SD.
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Just adding to the pool

I too have been using SD for a couple of years on a cheap chinese unit. Excellent programme.

Recently got a new Ipad 3 and having the same problems as above, keeps crashing anywhere between 5 minutes and 20 minutes, so lots of unknown to unknowns. Tried Biggles-EGKB fix of resetting Locations and Privacy. This seemed to work for about 30 minutes, then reverted back to regular crashes. Doesn't seem to crash on the ground when connected to wifi, only with 3G in the air. I'm not sure what it's trying to do when it crashes.

I'm using an Ipad 3, IOS 6.0.1, SD 2.5.

With all other apps closed, I run SD and Google Chrome only while flying. The System Status app shows Total Memory 988MB, Active 178MB, Inactive 107MB, Other 438MB and Free 160MB. I don't know how much free memory is needed or if this info is of any use to people who do! CPU usage seems fairly low at around 6%.

Sorry I can't add any more, but looking forward to any progress - it's brilliant when it's working.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Version 2.5.1 is now out, and it solves most of the known crashes that can occur while SkyDemon is in flight.
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Excellent news, thanks
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Tim, great news indeed! I tried it today (in car on my way to work) and my iPad1 did not crash once! And even better, charts now load in about a quarter of the time they used to load in the previous version!
Well done, you made my day!
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Thanks to the SD Team

This is Biggles-EGKB, happily signing off on this thread and returning to the skies.

Flew yesterday and SD worked like a dream. Hammered it for info forcing the software to deliver huge amounts of data, updates, screen refreshings, etc and it didn't once let me down while using my iPad 1.

What I did notice is the difference in response times between the iPad 1 and the iPad MINI. Once you've used SD on the 2,3,4 or MINI you'll neve go back to the 1.

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 1/27/2013 1:22:12 PM by Biggles-EGKB
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There are a lot of apple programs running that you don't need when you are using a flight/gps program. Google for ipad processor abuse ( you don't need icloud , etc )

Go to settings put off:





email etc


music itunes

store automatic downloads

then skydemon has no problems at all.

Happy flying,


Resolved the problem of crashing

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