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Is it or will it be possible to have this feature so skydemon can change the frequency on an icom or Yaesu handheld radio?
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+x  So for the AV-30 no avlink needed just the data wireI have four data wires running off one BT unit !! Hello Final glide, thank you very much for your post about the AV-30. I have also AV-30 in my plane and I already connected my KRT2 with SD. So it´s great, that you managed to bring AV-30 and SD together. I would like to follow you. It would be great if you could share a bit more details. My questions are: - is it Pin2 at AV-30 which is used for Data-in? - what is the configuration an SD-side. Does it need "Autopilot" or "NMEA" ? - any configuration on AV-30 side to be changed? e.g. baud rate? is it 9600? Thanks a lot for your support Ulli
Final glide
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Hi ulli It is super simple pins 1,2,and 9 for the av-30 And that’s it select autopilot and all on the SD it does 9600 bad automatically You can test by using the simulator function on SD Brilliant system !!!!!
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Is there an estimated release date for IOS with Becker support?
Got the DSD TECH HM-10 dongle and it seems to easily connect straight out of the box to Skydemon, I powered it up temporarily and can see it outputting autopilot and radio strings when I play with it using Garmin protocol, so keen to know when the Becker radio support is coming.
Michael Hoffmann
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+xIs there an estimated release date for IOS with Becker support? Got the DSD TECH HM-10 dongle and it seems to easily connect straight out of the box to Skydemon, I powered it up temporarily and can see it outputting autopilot and radio strings when I play with it using Garmin protocol, so keen to know when the Becker radio support is coming. Tim told me iOS support for AR620X will come in the 4.0.2 branch as it is implemented in the 4.0.2 (android) beta yet. Don't know when this final will be released. Maybe Tim will answer here.
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+xHi ulli It is super simple pins 1,2,and 9 for the av-30 And that’s it select autopilot and all on the SD it does 9600 bad automatically You can test by using the simulator function on SDBrilliant system !!!!! Thanks a lot... I will check it out. Great hint!!!
Paul Milling
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Does the IRXON device need to have a ground wire on the 9 Pin D-Sub given that the device itself has its own power (ie., battery) or it can be powered by a USB cable connected to a panel-mounted USB charger outlet which is already grounded?
Just checking as I'm planning to connect it to my Trig TC90 Head and wanted to know if I just needed an RX/TX data wire.
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+x+xHi Michael,Thank you very much for both answers, this is very helpful!I was thinking to wire my BT580 to the KRT2 plug, following the diagram for connecting the remote. Your second suggestion sounds very good and, indeed, clean. Would it be expensive?My problem now is that my BT580 ls not detected by SD! I am mailing with Support about it.One of those things, it should detect the device almost immediately, but it does not…Again, thank you! Hello dear community,
the prototype of a TQ KRT2 BLE PnP (PlugAndPray  ) adapter is ready. The advantage of this dongle is that it is powered by the device itself. You don't need any additional wiring. The size is (40 x 45 x 17) mm. Unfortunately I can't make it any smaller. Simply plug this dongle between your existing cables - and you're done. Yes, the correct mounting brackets are included with the final version... I don't have them in stock yet. The screws aren't the right ones either...but that will be solved too.
It is important that the electronics work in this small space. She does. Unfortunately I don't have a KRT2 to test and am therefore looking for a willing tester. Is there anyone with a TQ KRT2 who can test this dongle? I'm looking for a tester in Germany, preferably in the Berlin area.
If you can and want to help here, send me a PM. Can’t help with basic testing (I’m UK based), but would be interested in this as a beta or finished product. The KRT2 is the worst UX I’ve ever come across for a radio!
Also wonder if you would be able to create a package with just 12v / Gnd / Tx / Rx interface - maybe 2-3 RS232 outputs, so we can fit one box, behind the panel, plumbed straight into the electrics (no 5v/usb), with multiple data outputs to run to radios, autopilot, and anything else that would be benefit from a one way data stream?
Michael Hoffmann
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+x+x+xHi Michael,Thank you very much for both answers, this is very helpful!I was thinking to wire my BT580 to the KRT2 plug, following the diagram for connecting the remote. Your second suggestion sounds very good and, indeed, clean. Would it be expensive?My problem now is that my BT580 ls not detected by SD! I am mailing with Support about it.One of those things, it should detect the device almost immediately, but it does not…Again, thank you! Hello dear community,
the prototype of a TQ KRT2 BLE PnP (PlugAndPray  ) adapter is ready. The advantage of this dongle is that it is powered by the device itself. You don't need any additional wiring. The size is (40 x 45 x 17) mm. Unfortunately I can't make it any smaller. Simply plug this dongle between your existing cables - and you're done. Yes, the correct mounting brackets are included with the final version... I don't have them in stock yet. The screws aren't the right ones either...but that will be solved too.
It is important that the electronics work in this small space. She does. Unfortunately I don't have a KRT2 to test and am therefore looking for a willing tester. Is there anyone with a TQ KRT2 who can test this dongle? I'm looking for a tester in Germany, preferably in the Berlin area.
If you can and want to help here, send me a PM. Can’t help with basic testing (I’m UK based), but would be interested in this as a beta or finished product. The KRT2 is the worst UX I’ve ever come across for a radio!
Also wonder if you would be able to create a package with just 12v / Gnd / Tx / Rx interface - maybe 2-3 RS232 outputs, so we can fit one box, behind the panel, plumbed straight into the electrics (no 5v/usb), with multiple data outputs to run to radios, autopilot, and anything else that would be benefit from a one way data stream? Hello Bsdchapman, thanks for your answer. I have now received a KRT2 from a colleague and was able to test the adapter. Yes, it works. The KRT2 adapter simply plugs between the existing wiring and the radio and is powered by the radio's power supply itself.
No additional wiring or mechanical work required. Something like PnP (Plug and Pray) ;-)).
Look here:
At pin 13 of the connector, the RS-232 output is available for other devices (true V24 voltage) such as autopilots, AV-30, other radios or whatever else comes along. The adapter works in the voltage range of 8 - 30 V and is short-circuit proof.
Is that what you're looking for? Or do you really want a separate box with its own power supply and multiple outputs?
Regards Michael
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+xDoes the IRXON device need to have a ground wire on the 9 Pin D-Sub given that the device itself has its own power (ie., battery) or it can be powered by a USB cable connected to a panel-mounted USB charger outlet which is already grounded?
Just checking as I'm planning to connect it to my Trig TC90 Head and wanted to know if I just needed an RX/TX data wire.
Dear Paul, I am not a specialist, but just received the IRXON BT578 v.3, and just tested it with the SkyD iOS app (Tx/Rx still not connected to the radio, though). It worked perfectly with power from a USB-C charger, as per the product notice. So I assume a ground wire is not required for powering the IRXON. My understanding is that the data wire will be enough with my Trig, but cannot confirm this until actually testing - hopefully next month. Hope this helps !