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Feature Request: Ocean shipping lanes

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Posts: 21, Visits: 21
Hi SkyDemon team,

when I fly a long time VFR over the ocean I feel the need of the "ocean shipping lanes". I think it would be a nice feature to follow/fly over these routes. Especially in case of an emergency. The chance of survival will increase, if you have an engine loss and need to emergency water landing.

I heard of other pilots, that in some navigation software this feature is already included.

So my question is, is there a chance to implement such a feature (in the already great) SkyDemon software also?

Best regards
Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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It's a bit different use-case, but FYI it's technically possible to show actual ships realtime on the map:
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We once looked at including ferry routes in SkyDemon but reception to the idea was lukewarm. Personally I think the fact a ferry might follow the route once a day isn't necessarily going to be that helpful.
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Tim Dawson - 9/30/2022 9:15:27 AM
We once looked at including ferry routes in SkyDemon but reception to the idea was lukewarm. Personally I think the fact a ferry might follow the route once a day isn't necessarily going to be that helpful.

I got your point. If the routes aren't heavily frequented, then it certainly doesn't really make much sense. But I think every safety gain (no matter how small it is) makes sense in the case of an emergency. And showing the default routes would help me when planning a flight over water. But I can't estimate the effort for an implementation in SkyDemon either.

And I like also the idea/description of Adam how to show real live shipping traffic. Same point: If you have an engine failure in flight and can't reach the land, tha you can try to reach the nearest ship and hope for a rescue in the case of a water landing.

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