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Route Export to GARMIN 660 devices

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Posts: 7, Visits: 22
I asked Garmin Europe about Skydemon <> Aera 660 interfacing and here is their reply:
"In terms of Skydemon, we are aware of a desire, especially from UK customers to have some sort of integration with our avionics and portable units. Unfortunately because Garmin produces it's own navigation app and Skydemon is effectively unknown in the US, it's unlikely that our software developers in the US will be able to devote any time to this. I'm sorry about that, we will continue to pass this feedback to our colleagues in any case. "

I wonder just how much effort is actually required by Garmin ??

Tim, I guess you've already had a similar response?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The US part of Garmin is well aware of the desire among most European pilots to integrate SkyDemon with Garmin avionics. However at present their policy is not to allow this, presumably to encourage more pilots to purchase their own Garmin Pilot app. We brought the issue to Garmin's attention again at Aero this year but there has been no change in policy as yet.
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Posts: 7, Visits: 22
Garmin very kindly gave me an extended free trial of their Garmin Pilot app ... it may well suit US-style 'filed airway' operation but its planning interface, certainly for European VFR ops, is not a patch on SkyDemon's, and lack of SkyEcho traffic capability is a major failing.  Its database downloads are clunky and it has no vertical airspace depiction.
Such a pity Garmin have elected to maintain their 'walled garden' policy; I wonder how many more G3X systems they'd sell in EU if they offered SD interface ...


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