+x ArnaudC - 4/13/2022 11:52:00 AMIn my corner of Europe, I can barely get a single MET update via 3G above 2500ft. 4G disappears lower than that.If you really want live trafic in the plane, get a SkyEcho.
+x rv8ch - 4/22/2022 9:26:37 AM+x ArnaudC - 4/13/2022 11:52:00 AMIn my corner of Europe, I can barely get a single MET update via 3G above 2500ft. 4G disappears lower than that.If you really want live trafic in the plane, get a SkyEcho.In flight, the skyecho is fine, even if it "only" shows ADS-B and FLARM. For looking at traffic at a far away place on the ground, it's not too useful.My use case is from time to time I'd like to see the traffic flows around a destination airport during my flight planning phase, on the ground. True, I can do this another way, but I did get used to this when using FF, and having now switched to SD, I wondered if it was possible to add this feature. If not, not a huge problem. Just asking.
+x Adam Erchegyi - 4/22/2022 11:09:41 AM+x rv8ch - 4/22/2022 9:26:37 AM+x ArnaudC - 4/13/2022 11:52:00 AMIn my corner of Europe, I can barely get a single MET update via 3G above 2500ft. 4G disappears lower than that.If you really want live trafic in the plane, get a SkyEcho.In flight, the skyecho is fine, even if it "only" shows ADS-B and FLARM. For looking at traffic at a far away place on the ground, it's not too useful.My use case is from time to time I'd like to see the traffic flows around a destination airport during my flight planning phase, on the ground. True, I can do this another way, but I did get used to this when using FF, and having now switched to SD, I wondered if it was possible to add this feature. If not, not a huge problem. Just asking. open your FlightRadar24 app?