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DFS German VFR AIP Chapters Missing

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Tim Dawson - 8/13/2020 2:52:56 PM
Eisenschmidt confirm that if you want the other parts of their VFR AIP, you have to buy it from them.

The only parts that are licensed for inclusion in products like SkyDemon are the aerodrome charts and associated text (and SUPs).

I just bought the DFS GERMAN VFR AIP subscription. However, even the Aerodrone Information is incomplete. For EDFL the chart shows a displaced threshold for runway 07, reducing the landing distance massively.  However, the chart lacks information on TORA and LDA - where do I get this information ? 
In contrast for EDFB the full informations are displayed.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The Aerodrome Chart for EDFL contains full TORA and LDA information. Where are you looking?
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Tim Dawson - 6/4/2021 8:52:37 AM
The Aerodrome Chart for EDFL contains full TORA and LDA information. Where are you looking?

I am looking in the aerodrome part of SD and click on DFS Aerodrome chart - please see attachment. The TORA and LDA information is always cut off on an ipad. After puzzling around I have done the same thing on the SD desktop version- there the full infomration is displayed. However, since most of the people work with the ipad when flying this problem seems to be linked to the mobile sd version. 

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Hacho - 6/4/2021 5:50:39 PM
Tim Dawson - 6/4/2021 8:52:37 AM
The Aerodrome Chart for EDFL contains full TORA and LDA information. Where are you looking?

I am looking in the aerodrome part of SD and click on DFS Aerodrome chart - please see attachment. The TORA and LDA information is always cut off on an ipad. After puzzling around I have done the same thing on the SD desktop version- there the full infomration is displayed. However, since most of the people work with the ipad when flying this problem seems to be linked to the mobile sd version. 

Ok I got it - this is just related to the georeferenced display mode. If I select in the ipad version only the aerodrome chart (not the geo-reference button) then the full information is also displayed on the ipad. Problem resolved, sorry for discussing this. 

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Glad you resolved the problem. Yes, the georeferenced mode is designed to only show the map part of the plate.

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