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iOS 12 Supported?

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I had the same problems today when flying with my iPad Mini 4 upgraded to iOS12. The planning mode was working fine and i didn‘t see any problems while taxiing. The lagging started to appear when i was flying at altitude 2.000 AGL (and above), where the cell tower receiption is bad and the iPad location service is using GPS only. My advice to Skydemon users: Don‘t upgrade the iPad until the problems are fixed...
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SkyDemon was almost unusable on my iPad Air 2 running iOS 12.0 when flying on Saturday morning.

While SkyDemon was tracking/logging my position and providing the usual airspace alerts, any attempt to pan or zoom the map would result in a complete freeze that would take around a minute or so to recover from. Even the ‘What’s Here’ menu would freeze on screen in the process of trying to get the map back to following my position.

I only experienced this issue in flying mode, planning mode is working flawlessly.

I am running SkyDemon and was using my iPad’s internal GPS as usual - which has always worked flawlessly. No other devices connected wirelessly or physically. I always fly with mobile data turned off, or with the iPad in airplane mode to avoid interference/extend battery life. My iPad also has plenty of free storage space - it’s prime use is for SkyDemon, so not many other apps installed.

I hope a solution can be found.

Edited 9/26/2018 4:33:41 PM by Cliff172
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Hi Everyone,
I experienced a similar issue yesterday evening.

My setup is:
iPad Mini 4 Cellular (data sim enabled)
No 3rd party GPS or Traffic Decives are connected.
IOS 12

This is the second time I have flown with SkyDemon running on my iPad since upgrading to IOS12 (last 2 flights were 2 hours with no issues).

Yesterday evening, about 30 minutes into the flight I noticed the aircraft DI and SkyDemon DI were out, upon intial interaction with the SkyDemon app, everything was unresponsive and very laggy, even the map would not move and when it did all of the map tiles disappeared.
I force closed the app and relaunched, clicked continue flight and after about 10 seconds the map tiles reappeared and the app appeared to function as per normal.

I Have been using this app on this iPad for the last year or so and this is the first time I have experienced this issue, everything was flawless until I my second flight after upgrading to IOS 12.

PS - I did a full iPad reset and clean install of IOS 12 and my apps, rather than the upgrade.
The only difference in my setup between this flight and the first flight running IOS12 was that on the second flight I paired my Bose A20 to my iPad via Bluetooth so I could get the SkyDemon audio alerts via my headset.

I will force close all apps and reboot my iPad prior to my next flight this weekend and see if this helps.

Hope it’s fixed soon.

Kind Regards


Edited 9/28/2018 6:47:21 AM by DanJonesUK
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Same here: IOS 12 makes my Ipad unusable during flight. I reverted back to IOS 11 
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plume_tray - 9/22/2018 8:51:39 PM
I’ve been running the latest version on IOS 12 over the last 2 days. It seems smooth on iPhone 7, but my month old iPad mini 4 which I use in the cockpit seems to be experiencing lag whenever I move around the map, edit routes or open/close menus to the point it’s almost unusable (planning as well as flying modes). It was much smoother before either update, I haven’t managed to narrow down which has caused it.Note, it seems to hang for short amount of time whenever the virtual radar is updating.

I have noticed similar lag issues while navigating after updating to iOS 12 on my iPad mini. It also seems to chew its way through the battery since the update. If you haven't done so already, I suggest delaying the iOS 12 update. 
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SkyDemon seemed OK until about 30 minutes into a local flight until the screen froze and at first I thought it might have temporarily lost the GPS signal (iPad Mini with Garmin GLO). I was close to my home base at this time so no need to use it for navigation and I didn't look at it again until after landing, and when it appeared that the recorded track was complete except that it ceased at 3 miles on final and the display had frozen again. I'd never seen this behaviour before installing iOS 12.
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Can anyone share a link on how to downgrade my iPad mini 4 cellular from iOS 12 back to iOS 11. I tried this today via iTunes and it failed.
SkyDemon is not working well with IOS12 .
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So, been using my older iPad mini 2 (iOS 11.4.1 with SD 3.10.1) for the last 4 days, with long flights and requiring lots of touchscreen interaction inflight. 

Although, generally its been performing better than my newer iPad mini 4 (iOS 12.0 with SD 3.10.4) did the weekend before, I have been experiencing freezing and restarts - even on the older iOS. I suspect the restarts / freezing on my older iPad could be due to battery age as iOS 11 introduced CPU throttling when the battery underperforms.

Anyway, I'm now stuck between two evils. I really want to use my newer iPad mini 4 with the faster cpu, but I haven't been able to successfully downgrade to iOS 11.4.1. I have the ipsw file for it but the option key / restore using iTunes on my mac isn't bringing up the file browser. Its always forcing an install of the latest iOS. I've done countless google searches and I understand the instructions, but iTunes isn't playing ball. iTunes/iCloud backups are meaningless, as they don't backup the firmware so be warned.

UPDATE: Re the iTunes restore, I've successfully downgraded to 11.4.1. Turns out the option key isn't recognised over screen sharing (I use a mac mini for all backups and remotely connect to it via my MacBook). Phew!!

Edited 10/1/2018 10:51:48 AM by plume_tray
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We have reproduced the lagging issue on iOS 12. After thoroughly profiling it, we've so far determined the problem is deep within the graphical drawing routines of iOS. As for why it gets worse over time, we have no idea.

My main job today is to perform further instrumentation to determine if there's any way we can temporarily work around it by changing the manner in which we perform certain drawing, however this appears to be a problem with the operating system so it's unclear whether I will be successful and even if I am, it's likely to only be a temporary fix. I will report back tomorrow.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Turning off Virtual Radar when it's got laggy appears to solve the problem. Can anyone else confirm?

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