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Import of Air navigation pro Logbook

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Posts: 10, Visits: 27
Hi guys,

I am considering to switch from ANP to Skydemon as their support is 0 to none since month's.
However, one of the fetaures I did love in ANP is that since I am flying all my logfiles are recorded in ANP. So based on this I do control the annual service schedule for my plane with these logs as I am the only pilot of this plane.

If I would switch to Skydemon, is there any chance to import thes logs (via textfile or csv or xls ot your help somehow) into Skydemon so that I do not need to put them in manually (if possible)



Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm afraid we have no experience of logfiles in a third-party proprietary format. You may be able to export from that software into the industry-standard GPX format, though, which SkyDemon Plan (for PC) can import.
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Hi Tim,

gpx is a format for GPS files. So no use for the logiles of a flightbook. I am talking about the data which says where started, blocktime, start time, landing time, block time when landed and where landed.

Date Acft DepBlock-off Take-off Landing ArrBlock-on Ldgs TFT TT 
19.07.14 D-MOIN EDWL 15:33 UTC 15:40 UTC ED0615 17:42 UTC 17:43 UTC 102:02 02:10

This is nothing to do with a GPS file as said. This is a simple logbook format file and nothing proprietary.
How does sky demon export/import such information? In ANP I can access the database and can simply copy the logbook file as an sql file to any IOS device ANP is running on. It is a simple Web Server (WebDAV) function which is part of ANP. access is via



Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Ah, we are talking about different kinds of log files.

SkyDemon does not support log keeping in the way you describe. It deals only in actual track logs, from which some information for the pilot's logbook can easily be extracted (such as timings).
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Hi Tim,

thanks for the answer. I understand this feature is not available in SD. I really do have issues with dropping all my records so far as this does have an effect on all my calculations of service times for my plane. I am the only user of this plane and also in germany it is mandatory to have a record of all flights. This needs to be manually written. ANP supports me there as I simply have to take the logfile data and just need to jot them down into my flightbook.

So I am close to get a SD subscription as obviously there are some serious issues with Xample as a company as since months there is no support or update for the software (except a quick hotfix to keep it alive on IOS8)

Would this then not be a good feature for SD?

Regards Andreas
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We have considered the possibility of adding such log functionality to SkyDemon many times over the years, and each time we have decided that we don't want to do it.

There are many excellent third-party products which exist specifically to provide such logbook functionality. Some of them are even free, but most of them are very reasonably priced. Many of them can accept SkyDemon track logs to provide the basis for a new log entry.

So I'm afraid we will not be adding such a feature in the short term, as we prefer to focus on our charting, briefing and navigation functionality.
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as Andreas wanted to switch from ANP to SD last year, I'm thinking about switching too.
Do you still think a flightbook should not be integrated into SD. The automatically saved flightbook is one of the best simple features in ANP and I don't want to miss it. Having a third party flightbook on my tablet is not an option, because of the chance to simply forget to start it.
Is there any chance to have it integrated into SD at any time?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We will not be adding dedicated log keeping functionality to SkyDemon, but it does comprehensively log all your flights in terms of where you went, takeoff and landing times. You can back these up to the cloud and take your timings from them to put into your full logbook if you like.

A full logbook has all sorts of extra complications such as night, IFR times etc and it's a direction we still don't want to go in.
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I am quarreling with logging my flights, too. So far I use my EFIS records, which I have to dump to an SD card after each flight. Can't use SD because Rotax needs engine time from starting to stopping to be logged. And SD has no way of knowing when I started my engine.

Any suggestions for a good logbook app which runs on an iPad? Preferably free.

Thanks, -- Chris.
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Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
On another thought....

What if SD put the time I pressed "go flying" and "stop flying" into the SD flightlog? If I press the start and stop button at engine start and stop I would already have block time as well as flight time. Then SD would just have to put those four times in their list where they shiw all available logs, et voilá.

-- Chris.

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