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Downloaded Charts disappearing.

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On several occasions I have down loaded the charts in the AIP. When planning the trip they are in the memory. After shutting down the iPad and restarting for the trip the AIP charts have disappeared. Have I some incorrect settings?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Perhaps those plates have been replaced by the issuing authority? That is the only reason, short of manual intervention on your part, that a plate you have previously downloaded (where it will have turned green) will revert back to a white, un-downloaded state.
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Posts: 34, Visits: 202
I had this problem a few times.
SD 3.0.7, iOS 7.1.2
For example, the downloaded AIP (Italy) disappeared. Did not hit the clear cache before.
During a flight yesterday, I touched the Geneva airport to look at the plates, SD said I need internet connection to see the plate.
On my second iPad the plate was there.
I had the Swiss VFR guide downloaded before. Curiously after the landing the plates were back.
Might be difficult to trace an intermittent problem, I'll try to report if I observe this again.

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Have the same issue with the French AIP. When not connected to wifi the charts do not appear, but when connected the entire AIP is available, very frustrating.
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I can second that. Had the same issue with the offline accessible german AIP. During a trip we had to alternate due to weather conditions, and I couldn't access the plate needed. Asus HD7Android 4.2.2 SD 3.x

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Can anyone actually give us steps to reproduce this issue?
Liam Sandie
Liam Sandie
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Posts: 72, Visits: 261
Yes this sounds like the same issue as I have been having.

Download entire AIPs. Once downloaded if online but no reception I find that I can search for the plates but clicking them does no bring them up. Mid flight when you would need plates for diversions like described above this is a serious problem.

Edited 8/13/2014 8:58:48 PM by Liam548
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I leave SD in "Live Data when Planning" mode all the time. I understand this also means "use stored data when flying".
In flying mode it should have no reason to try to get live data it can't obtain.
In the case of missing plates I think it would be better to have SD  say "the plate have not been downloaded" instead of "need connection".

Anyway, the original problem is intermittent, I currently don't know how to reproduce it.

Most of the time it works as expected.

I also just noticed in the swiss vfr guide that a few plates were still white in the list, even after a fresh "update all".
By selecting these in the list they were downloaded and then turned green

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In my opinion the offline mode is safe. Using the online modes seems to initiate some sort of consistency check which fails without internet connection.
Liam Sandie
Liam Sandie
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I've changed mine to live data when planning instead of the planning and flying option. I hope this makes a difference but the last time it did this I was on the ground not in flying mode it was just I had no Internet coverage so not sure this is going to change it in them circs but it might in mid flight.


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