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Denmark, EKRK, Copenhagen Roskilde vfr data missing (available in dk aip, but does not download)

Denmark, EKRK, Copenhagen Roskilde vfr data missing (available in dk...
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Posts: 14, Visits: 56
Normally the georeferenced plates downloades a treat, but for the above airport it does not. Further a lot of other information for the airport is also not downloaded, do i do something wrong ? The vfr Plate is important as the area is difficult to navigate due to several towns with no overfly restriktions. Pleased to hear
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Exactly which document is it that you're having trouble opening? I can see two VFR documents for EKRK: an aerodrome chart, and its textual information.
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Hi Tim
what I'm looking for is the visual approach chart for EKRS

On my iPad mini i can see that the map is not downloaded, however it does exist

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I suspect we have not included that document for the time being. We started including the Danish visual approach charts but then noted that many of them are in fact incorrect. We are in conversation with the Danish authorities about this, and they admit the fault. I will point my colleague to this thread and he may be able to advise further.
Rob Hart
Rob Hart
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Posts: 77, Visits: 454
I can confirm that Tim is completely correct.

When I performed the first upload of these documents (March this year), I noticed that some of them were clearly wrong (ie. depicting airspace which has subsequently been changed or removed) and so I immediately removed those documents from our system and notified the authorities.

I received a confirmation that my complaint had been received and that updated documents would be created and uploaded. However, the incorrect documents are still present on the Naviair website.

I have informed my contact about this and expressed my dismay, but the answer is that they "cannot give specific dates" for when this will be complete.

Rest assured, as soon as updated documents are available I will upload them into SkyDemon.
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Hi Rob,

I understand that you're the man behind the charts. I'd like to express my thank to you and your crew, who always give me a very safe feeling during my flights.

This thread confirms the good work you're doing.

Thanks and keep it up.

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Posts: 14, Visits: 56
As long as an official VFR approach Plate is avaliable from Naviair i suggest that it as a minimum is avaliable in the plates collection, it is the official vfr flight reference dokument for Denmark, the alternative is that pilots flying vfr to dk have to log 1lbs of printed material with us that even if erronous is our only avaliable dokumentation.
Thanks for a fantastic program

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Posts: 20, Visits: 196
Hello Skydemon staff

Georeferenced VACs are great, but for the time being, 5 VACs (out of 32 public aerodromes) are missing for Denmark: EKEB, EKRK, EKVD, EKPB and EKRS. For some of these airports (EKRS and EKPB), everything is missing (Aerodrome chart and textuel information).

The information is available on the public site What exectly is the problem in including these in skydemon?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We do not include information in SkyDemon which we know is wrong. Many of the current official VACs for Danish airfields are wrong.
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Posts: 14, Visits: 56
Hi Tim
I have just noticed that the portexpansion in the City of aarhus is not included in the basemap of Denmark
Icao map Anc1 2012 has included it. So it has been there for some time.
Also can you please inform us what is wrong with the plates so that we can put pressure on Naviar to have them fixed. After all we fly VFR and should be able to get correct data from naviair 😄👍

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