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Change Route Storage Location on PC

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Posts: 7, Visits: 37
Apologies if this has already been posted, I've search for as many phrases as I can think of in the forums ("Change Folder", "File Location", "Route Directory" etc), but couldn't find any mention:

Is there any way to change the default location for storing and opening Flight Plans with PC SD Plan?

Currently routes are stored in C:\Users\{MyUserName}\Documents\SkyDemon\Routes, but in order to have the routes available on all my various home/work PC/laptops/phones I'd like to be able to store them within my Google Drive so e.g. C:\Users\{MyUserName}\GoogleDrive\SkyDemon\Routes. I can store the files in that location and load them from there fine, but every time I click to open I have to navigate from C:\Users\{MyUserName}\Documents\SkyDemon\Routes to C:\Users\{MyUserName}\GoogleDrive\SkyDemon\Routes every time - even having opened a route from the new location, SD doesn't remember it for the next load let alone the next time it runs.

I've tried looking in the program preferences, for a config file on the disk and even in the registry, but no luck. I'm hoping someone can point out a way for me - perhaps there's a secret command line option that can be used when starting SD?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There isn't, I'm afraid.
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I use SyncToy and a schedule to make this work.

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Posts: 7, Visits: 37
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your answer.

Then could I ask it be added as a feature request please?

As a coder myself I know it is really a very simple change to e.g. get the SD data directory from a registry value rather than directly from Path.Join(System.Environment.MyDocuments,"SkyDemon") (although of course if the registry entry doesn't exist it should default to this value). Ideally there would be an ability to change this within the program Preferences/installer but as long as it's available through the registry this wouldn't be essential.

This would allow uninterrupted and unchanged functionality for users who don't wish to change it but more flexibility for "power users".

Thanks Smile
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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When we add features like this, even "power user" features that aren't technically discoverable, we end up having to support them going forward. We therefore add only feature that appeal to a majority, sorry.
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It's fair enough not to address this but the planning documentation does say " ...... and the Routes folder within that is where all your saved journeys are stored by default, though you can save them elsewhere if you choose.

I too mistakenly thought from this that you could change the default location of the SD files but clearly not. It would be helpful if the documentation makes it clear that you cannot in fact change the default location of the files.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I don't see a problem with the wording in our documentation. The standard Save window that is shown allows you to save your routes anywhere you like. Only the default location is your SkyDemon Routes folder.
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Personally, I sympthise with the original poster's request. On my PC I have a small SSD system drive (C), a separate drive with a partition for all program data (D) and the programs temselves (E). When a program doesn't honor my decision to store data separate from the system installation (an eminently useful decision, I might add) I consider this rude behavior. A lot of programs simply dump their data to the "default" location on the C drive, thereby swamping my lean, mean SSD drive and causing my blood pressure to rise.

I can't for the life of me understand, why I shouldn't be able to tell a program where to put its data by default.

-- Chris.
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I have exactly the same setup, during installation of Windows 7 I told it to put all the 'Users' stuff on drive D (a traditional spinning drive) rather than drive C (the SSD).

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Posts: 7, Visits: 37
Come on Tim, this is a very basic request for the program to simply remember what directory the route was last saved to/loaded from. It's standard fare in most programs. If just done by remembering last folder there's not even a requirement to have a "setup" parameter for it. There's nothing to "support" about it.

How about just getting this one done and signed off? Smile


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