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Bug reports

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Actually, I didn't find any place to report (possible) bugs or things I don't understand.
So I just opened this post and start with one point I just recognized:

@ Tim: Maybe it's possible to have a separate sub-forum for these things.

My current points:
- On the german chart the airport EDRS (Flugplatz Bad Sobernheim-Domberg) is not display on the map. But you can search for it and the right point is "crossed"
- On some airports the airport information is not complete or correct.
As an example there is EDMB (Flugplatz Biberach): Fuel availability: They have also AvGas 100LL (i just reported the actual price).
Is there any way to correct or update the data a "social way" like the price feature? If so, opening times would be a nice feature, too.

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

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I agree that it would be good to have a bug report section: I wanted to report this and couldn't quite find the appropriate place...

I'm using the 30-day trial at the moment and have been playing with SD on a Samsung Galaxy s3, ie Android. It works well, except when returning to SD after having looked at an airfield plate PDF. The back button (or whatever the arrow one is called) doesn't do anything so SD is almost completely locked up and has to be closed and restarted.

Or am I missing something?

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No, this problem is well documented elsewhere on the forum
The beta version solves the problem, depending on which beta you have, seems different versions suite different devices, see my post beta on nexus 7

Edited 10/19/2013 11:25:25 PM by Pete
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Great, thanks Pete. I did have a trawl to see if I could find any mention of it (and failed to find that).

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If you can search for an airfield but do not see it on the map, it's probably your settings under Mapping that are preventing it from appearing. Check them, particularly the minimum runway length option.

If you see an error in our own airfield data, please report it to us with the contact page on our website so we can ensure the correct person receives the report, investigates and issues a fix where necessary.

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I just checked the mapping settings (especially the in runway length). No change, EDRS is not displayed on the map.
@Tim: Can you confim that EDRS is (or is not) displayed on one of your devices?

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yes, confirmed. It is almost certainly your minimum runway length setting which is preventing it from being shown.
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it's not the minimum runway setting (EDRS hass 600m and 700m).
I have twice a setting for minimum runway set to 200m:
1) Mapping -> Map Layers -> Airfields -> Min runway length: 200m
2) Setup -> Navigation Options -> Minimum Runway Length: 200m

But EDRS is not shown on the map, but can be found (only yellow cross on the map).

Could it be any other setting?? (unknown length is also enabled).
Maybe because EDRS was more then one runway??

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Please reduce your minimum runway length setting to 0. You will see the airfield will appear.

SkyDemon does not have runway length data for the airfield in question. In that event, the airfield will disappear if you have a minimum runway length set.
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Hi Tim,

thank you for the hint with runway length 0. I still had a minimum from 200m.
Your last reply solved this issue.

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe


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