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Hi Tim,
Many thanks for your reply, my apologies for the delay in replying.
The problem seems to be that Pooleys issue 'Airnotes' to update their plates. They do not always issue new plates to update the hard copy. So the problem is that when the plates appear on SkyDemon they do not incorporate the latest updates.
e.g. Airnotes Issue 1 dated 15/3/13 had the following :
Cambridge Rwy 23 TORA revised to 1883. - The plate in SD shows this as 1892
Duxford Asphalt Rwy 06/24 Dimensions revised to 1503 x 32 m - The plate in SD shows this as 1199 ( there is also a mistake as the diagram rwy dims. and the written rwy lengths are different!)
Gloucester has similar errors.
These are just 3 examples picked at random, I'm sure the problem exists on all updated pages.
I'm sure you will agree that basic information such as this should show correctly on SD. It would seem the answer is for Pooleys to update their database plates as required rather than relying on reference to another document (Airnotes) for up to date information.
Steve T