1. Current terrain awareness is different from other progs .. not necessarily a crit, just different. Furthermore, the vert nav feature that looks ahead does most of the job. Originally I was trying to find out how the feature worked. My further comments were re absolute terrain shading as per Garmin, PFMS etc. But SD vert nav does similar thing except you cannot "seek out" abetter (lower terrain) route if needed as it only looks straight ahead. So this is just a debating point and function clarification.
2. The other point referred to how one toggles the feature in flight. The suggestion seemed to be that 1.3.3 had put it in the menu as opposed to WinCE box with tick for on or off. It hasn't and I dont think it should .. but just my opinion.
Thats all
PS Like the Reverse Route addition
Suggest either absolute terrain clearance via the map .. but destroys the simplicity of your maps, or another terrain page entirely (a la garmin) or a simple way to turn off terrain warnings quickly & easily in flight
Terrain warnings (and others too actually) are disabled when you're within 5nm of your start or destination airfields.
The default is 800' vert and 3.0NM horizontal.
I guess this means that if current track and altitude takes you to a point where vert clearance is <800', then at the 3 NM point you will get a warning on screen.
Or it could mean that if you are going to pass within 3 miles of a clearance <800', then you will be warned.
Also how does this work in the circuit and on landing? I have noticed being plagued with ATZ warnings in the circuit and have switched the machine off. But I dont remember terrain warnings .. maybe these were switched off anyway.
What settings have others used to get the best balance?
PS Similar principles apply to obstructions I assume.