SkyDemon Forums

terrain alert thresholds

By pink leader - 8/9/2010 7:13:29 PM

Trying to undertsand how this works.

The default is 800' vert and 3.0NM horizontal.

I guess this means that if current track and altitude takes you to a point where vert clearance is <800', then at the 3 NM point you will get a warning on screen.

Or it could mean that if you are going to pass within 3 miles of a clearance <800', then you will be warned.

Also how does this work in the circuit and on landing? I have noticed being plagued with ATZ warnings in the circuit and have switched the machine off. But I dont remember terrain warnings  .. maybe these were switched off anyway.

What settings have others used to get the best balance?


PS Similar principles apply to obstructions I assume.

By Tim Dawson - 8/10/2010 7:22:18 PM

I don't think such settings should be in a menu either; they're best left in settings dialogs.