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Corrupt file when downloading plates

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 17

i am a new user of SD and wanted to download the DFS Charts for offline availability. So far, so good. First i noticed a horribly slow download "performance" and second i noticed an error with the EDNY visual operation chart, the download stopped with a message "Corrupt data detected when interpreting downloaded Plate information". Since i do not really need EDNY VisOps right now, this would not be major issue, but the whole download stops and i cannot get to any other plates which come after EDNY.

Another problem with the plates that i figured out so far is in he georeference issue. EDLS for example is a few miles to high in the north. this causes a misplacement on the iPad and a stretched display in windows. I am not sure what to expect from the georeference feature. Is it supposed to be reliable or is it just nice?

Thanks for help/suggestions/feedback

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Thanks for your feedback. We have corrected the EDNY plate corruption issue and the incorrect georeferencing information associated with EDLS.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 17
I am sorry for this late reply. The update was very fast available and work just well.Smile


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