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Beta Version 2.3.1 (15/3/2012)

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Posts: 388, Visits: 8.3K

I love the new VNAV feature although I will have to wait for the WinCE (or Android BigGrin) version to test this out in flight.

The magenta course line overlays names of waypoints and navaids - not sure if ths is new behaviour but look at the attached screenshot and the 'WCO' NDB and 'Farmoor Reservoir' VRP names are obliterated by the magenta line.

Requests (already made I know but just re-iterating my wishlist)

1) I still miss the mapping options toolbar in Plan (see other topic)

2) I would still like to see the tiny wind barb in the skydemon Mobile instruments rotate when in "Course Up" or "Track Up" modes in flight to reflect the relative wind direction - it looks like it's always drawn "North Up" irrespective of which way the map is up. This would allow me to quickly visualise relative wind direction and strength (e.g. for a Xwind landing)

Great software.

map1.jpg (1K views, 126.00 KB)
Edited 3/16/2012 6:01:32 PM by srayne
pink leader
pink leader
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If you select the airfield plate, its always N up and so the wind barb is relative to N up as well.

But I do agree not all airfields have plates!!

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The RNav vectors shown in the PLOG give radials to the nearest tenth of a degree. This seems a bit OTT for VFR flying and wastes space, angles to the nearest degree would probably suffice. Please also list the frequencies of any navaids referenced in RNav vectors (if this is not already the case).

When NDBs are used as waypoints the NDB frequency should be in the NavAid list as well (this is not currently the case)

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Unfortunately it's not practical for us to change the way labels are laid out due to the possible presence later on of a magenta line drawn above, which is a separate process. It's always been that way.

Changing the readout of the wind instrument so that it rotates when the map does is possible, though they're currently completely independent of each other, we'll look into it.

I agree that tenths of a degree seems overkill for the PLOG RNAV vectors. I will look into why we're doing it with this level of precision, and if there doesn't appear to be a good reason, make a change.

NDBs used as waypoints should definitely appear in the PLOG, there's a bug in the current version preventing them from doing so.
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Tim,Thanks for the replies.
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Within Plan right-click on chart and select "Print Current Chart" results in a blank chart (with the exception of user waypoints) in the print centre window.

I would like to add my support to the suggestion in another thread of improving the entry of takeoff dates and times which is very fiddly at the moment - maybe a calendar popup for the date and improved time entry would be better - something like these widgets?:-
Edited 3/22/2012 9:09:43 AM by srayne
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Posts: 388, Visits: 8.3K
All seems fixed in 3.2.2 thanks

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Posts: 59, Visits: 108
I always fly and navigate to a tenth of a degree, doesn't everyone?Laugh

Beech Bonanza A36 Based at Blackpool


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