Ok, got it, the vertical dilution of precision is given in the GPGSA sentence, if I fake best dilution (1.0) regularly adding a sentence like this one to the X-Plane output, SkyDemon does indeed show altitude and all the other goodies:
Do you think it makes sense to add an option to SkyDemon to show altitude information even if the dilution of precision is not good enough or not given at all?
This would make SkyPlane compatible out of the box with X-Plane and again, give you new potential customers right away!
In any case it's a pleasure to use your software: it shows attention to detail everywhere, for most of the programs I use it usually takes a minute to come up with yet another "how could they implement *that* in *this* way???!?!?!?", in SkyDemon it's a pleasure to move around.
Probably you hear it all the time, but I'm a Senior Software Engineer in Testing (or QA Head Monkey if you prefer) and my poor Devs never heard this sentence in the last 8 years or so