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Minor issue with version 4

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 48
Little cosmetic issue I and a few others have noticed since the upgrade to version 4. In the old days, when you were not moving (eg on the apron) the plane symbol on the SD screen was still, and pointed in roughly the right direction. Since the upgrade it jiggles around like an Irish dancer on hot lava. Until you start moving when it settles down. It's of no significance except that it is a change in behaviour that at least three people have noticed. My amateur diagnosis is that version 3 took a feed from the device compass to use when there was no track data, and that somehow that no longer works. But I'm probably completely wrong.  I, and one other experiencing this issue, run SD on Samsung S22 phones.  I don't know about the others.

Anyone else noticed?

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