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French cities not depicted so as to derive minimum altitude AGL

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Flying over cities and built-up areas in France requires minimum altitudes. In French-made French VFR charts the shape and color of a built-up area defines the minimum altitude AGL:
- Yellow circle: 1,700 ft AGL.
- Yellow area (e.g. Sélestat): 3,300 ft AGL.
- Orange area (e.g. Colmar): 5,000 ft AGL.

I can't find this information in the Skydemon VFR charts for France. Is there a way to add that information?

Thank you

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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From memory, this isn't actually defined anywhere in the French AIP, or anywhere else for that matter. So at present it's not possible to see the same thing in SkyDemon.
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Hi Tim,
the values are in the AIP ENR1.1 under chapter
But to know which cities are which color one has to look at the 1/500 000 ICAO chart, the color key is in the legend of that chart.
May be it is possible to ask french SIA, the editor of the chart if they have a table with the cities and corresponding color.

Chart legend

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Thank you for your replies.
Yes, pgroell, this is what I was referring to. Here an example for both an 'orange' city (Colmar) and a 'yellow' city (Sélestat).

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We have asked in the past. The data does not exist. Whoever makes that chart decides themselves which colour cities should be. We could copy it, but that is not sustainable so at present we simply do not have the data.
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Thanks for that information, Tim.
I hadn't checked in earlier as I was on a VFR trip France - Germany - Belgium - England - Wales - Ireland - Northern Ireland - Wales - England - France. Skydemon performed flawlessly :-)


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