SkyDemon Forums

French cities not depicted so as to derive minimum altitude AGL

By Jayal - 5/30/2024 8:17:26 PM

Flying over cities and built-up areas in France requires minimum altitudes. In French-made French VFR charts the shape and color of a built-up area defines the minimum altitude AGL:
- Yellow circle: 1,700 ft AGL.
- Yellow area (e.g. Sélestat): 3,300 ft AGL.
- Orange area (e.g. Colmar): 5,000 ft AGL.

I can't find this information in the Skydemon VFR charts for France. Is there a way to add that information?

Thank you
By Jayal - 6/14/2024 12:20:51 PM

Thanks for that information, Tim.
I hadn't checked in earlier as I was on a VFR trip France - Germany - Belgium - England - Wales - Ireland - Northern Ireland - Wales - England - France. Skydemon performed flawlessly :-)