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Prompt to update country AIP information

Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 15
I find it very useful that SkyDemon automatically prompts me when I need to update the charts for the various countries that I have downloaded.  However, I also like to have the complete country AIP data downloaded for counties that I frequently visit, so that when I am traveling I have immediate access to all aerodrome plates and other information even with no internet connection.  But this information should be updated every 28 day AIRAC cycle.  So it would be useful if SkyDemon could have an option to prompt me to update this information when required, in the same way that it does with the charts.  Any thoughts about this?


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