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Autopilot + COM freq. over BT to RS232

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PaulSS - 8/31/2024 8:35:48 AM
Since the Bluetooth to RS232 converter is accessed via SkyDemon, does that mean it is still possible to pair other devices with the Bluetooth function of an iPad? I'm thinking of something like sending the route to an autopilot (connected through SkyDemon) and having the iPad connected to a headset with Bluetooth connectivity (for SkyDemon audio) using the normal Bluetooth function.

I have two bluetooth devices already connected to Skydemon. One for the AP and one for the Radio. 

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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That should work just fine Paul. You can have virtually any number of Bluetooth devices connected.
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Thanks Tim. I think Bluetooth gets a bit antsy when it comes to multiple audio devices but one audio + a couple of BT to RS232 dongles sounds like a good plan.
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Tim Dawson - 8/23/2024 9:30:52 AM
SkyDemon uses Bluetooth low energy (BLE). There's no pairing process, there's no SPP, it requires pretty much no configuration, so it's very easy.

BLE to RS232 has a defined service and characteristic UUID (one for each) which you should be able to find online.

@Tim there doesn't seem to be a defined BLE serial UUID, only for classic BT. Could you point me to the UUID serial spec you are using? 

We can see our device in SkyDemon and it connects but then complains about the service. 

Many thanks

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I_Need_Help - 9/2/2024 3:28:07 PM
Tim Dawson - 8/23/2024 9:30:52 AM
SkyDemon uses Bluetooth low energy (BLE). There's no pairing process, there's no SPP, it requires pretty much no configuration, so it's very easy.

BLE to RS232 has a defined service and characteristic UUID (one for each) which you should be able to find online.

@Tim there doesn't seem to be a defined BLE serial UUID, only for classic BT. Could you point me to the UUID serial spec you are using? 

We can see our device in SkyDemon and it connects but then complains about the service. 

Many thanks

We are advertising the service UUID 0xFFE0 (0000FFE0-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB) and SkyDemon can see the device, it appears in the list when we go to Connectivity -> Add Bluetooth Device. When we try and connect, we can see SkyDemon connecting to the device and performing some negotiation steps, but it quickly fails with the error message “No serial port service found”. We are assuming that this is because it can’t find the characteristics it’s expecting, those with suitable read/write/notify permissions. Can you give us some insight into what SkyDemon is looking for when it tries to validate that the BLE device is indeed providing a “serial port service” (we’re using BLE so it's not the Bluetooth Classic SPP protocol we’re trying to provide)?

It’s our understanding that the client device would normally look for write and notify permissions on one or more of the characteristics. We can connect other software (the python ble-serial module for example) to our device and communicate with it as if it were a serial port adapter. Our device is currently providing a characteristic with UUID 0xFFE1 (0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) with WRITE, WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE and NOFIFY permissions.
Kilo Lima
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Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PM

I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?


Any idea please? Thanks for your help!

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Kilo Lima - 9/3/2024 9:12:11 AM
Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PM

I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?


Any idea please? Thanks for your help!

That will depend on your aircraft type and what rules you operate under e,.g. certified, LAA or BMAA

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Once we connect to the device the first thing we do is list its services, and look for the one matching FFE0. If we don't find it, that's when the connection will be aborted with "No serial port service found.".

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Can anyone confirm if the available protocols work with a Becker AR6201, and they have it working.
Kilo Lima
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I_Need_Help - 9/3/2024 9:15:58 AM
Kilo Lima - 9/3/2024 9:12:11 AM
Kilo Lima - 8/28/2024 5:00:33 PM

I’m wondering where you connect the 5v supply for the Bluetooth module in your aircraft?


Any idea please? Thanks for your help!

That will depend on your aircraft type and what rules you operate under e,.g. certified, LAA or BMAA

 It’s a non certified aircraft equipped with a Rotax 912 engine. Easy to do some modifications under French experimental rules.


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