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Autopilot + COM freq. over BT to RS232

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Hello, I received the DSD TECH module this afternoon and I just did the tests. The result is this with android phone:


That is, it works perfectly and does not truncate the data.

This is the HM-10 clone module that has the CC2541 chip, it does not work well.

And this is the DSD TECH HM-18 chip, a CC2640.

Now I'm almost sure that it may be a problem with the module's firmware, I'm going to see if I could change the firmware version of the HM-10, although it will be difficult since it is not original but a clone.


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Tim Dawson - 2/24/2025 11:49:45 AM
Petertel and Ben, SkyDemon is sending full sentences but clearly they are being truncated somewhere. Are you on Android or iOS?

Petertel I look forward to hearing the results of your test. It's possible there is a MTU related problem where everything we send after the first X characters is simply being discarded.

My setup was tested with both iOS and iPadOS.
Also, I added the line breaks into the post. The raw data didn’t contain any CR/LF.
Michael Hoffmann
Michael Hoffmann
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In response to the issues we were experiencing with truncated autopilot data sets, we decided to switch to Bluetooth 5.0. The Generic (Universal) Adapter is now the first SD-Link adapter to be delivered with BLE V5.0. The other products will follow. To be clear, setting radio frequencies also works with BLE V4.0 without any problems.

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Petertel - 2/25/2025 8:08:25 PM
Hello, I received the DSD TECH module this afternoon and I just did the tests. The result is this with android phone:


That is, it works perfectly and does not truncate the data.

This is the HM-10 clone module that has the CC2541 chip, it does not work well.

And this is the DSD TECH HM-18 chip, a CC2640.

Now I'm almost sure that it may be a problem with the module's firmware, I'm going to see if I could change the firmware version of the HM-10, although it will be difficult since it is not original but a clone.


     Hello, very good news. This weekend I was able to test the new DCD TECH module with the CC2640 chip and it works perfectly with a TRUTRACK DIGIFLIGHT II autopilot and with a Garmin GTR225 radio.
   With these latest tests, we can confirm that if the NMEA sentences come out well on the workbench without truncating, it is certain that they will work well on the plane.


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vikino - 9/24/2024 5:35:42 PM
Hello Tim,
have you got any time schedule about programming ability to send AP+COM and receive traffic via single BT-RS232? Just to know if i should wire second BT device or you can get it to work in near future?


Hello Tim, are there some news about this?


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