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Improving the "backup to cloud" feature

Tony N
Tony N
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Posts: 339, Visits: 2.4K
I have recently been troubleshooting a new issue with SkyDemon (garbled voice warnings). Probably an unexplained recent occurrence with my Android phone (was all working perfectly about two weeks ago), but part of the suggested troubleshooting involved me uninstalling SkyDemon and re-installing it. I backed up everything (or so I thought) to the SD cloud first and reloaded my settings after the SD app had loaded.
Everything looked good and I went flying.
Not only had the garbled voice issue not gone away but I had an aircraft permanently on my tail for the whole flight, along with constant on-screen collision risk warnings. I figured out what the issue was - my HEX code hadn't been saved to the SD cloud....

Can you please consider improving the "backup to cloud" feature so that ALL local settings/parameters are saved, so they can be retrieved when required?
At the moment it appears that backups to cloud have to be accomplished in a few different sections of SkyDemon to ensure that all user data is backed up. This isn't obvious, unless you have done it a few times. 

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Are you referring to Backup to Cloud for Logs? I think that's the only place we offer such a feature. Unlike elsewhere in the software, it does not pull anything down from the cloud, it's intended to do what is says only: just backup all your logs to the cloud.

Your hex code is part of your aircraft configuration, for which we offer a full Sync feature to keep all your aircraft profiles the same across your devices.

Tony N
Tony N
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Tim Dawson - 5/24/2023 9:37:22 AM
Are you referring to Backup to Cloud for Logs? I think that's the only place we offer such a feature. Unlike elsewhere in the software, it does not pull anything down from the cloud, it's intended to do what is says only: just backup all your logs to the cloud.

Your hex code is part of your aircraft configuration, for which we offer a full Sync feature to keep all your aircraft profiles the same across your devices.

Sorry, I got the name wrong - I meant I selected the "Save Settings to Cloud", which is what I did before doing an uninstall and then re-installing the SkyDemon app. It seems everything was retrieved when I did  a "Load Settings from Cloud", except my HEX code.
I didn't check every saved setting after the re-install so only realised the problem when flying.
Was my issue that I possibly didn't do a "Sync with cloud" , which is an option in "Aircraft" (settings).

If so, can you consider making a simpler "Save all settings to cloud" option?, rather than having to remember to save to cloud using three separate actions? They currently are:
"Track Logs - backup to cloud"
"Aircraft" - Sync with cloud"
"Setup - Cloud - Save settings to cloud"


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
We'll discuss it, but those functions actually have very different purposes, not to mention consequences.

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