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Altitute Information in exported flight plan

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0

I am using SkyDemon to plan a VFR flight to be performed in Microsoft Flight Simulator. One of the most important features for me is to set safe altitutes for each waypoint to circumvent entering restricted airspace.

I can export the flightplan created in SkyDemon to .fpl and use an online tool to convert this into the .pln format, which I can import into MSFS as well as an application called Pilot2ATC.

However, I have now figured out that the .fpl file created by SkyVector does not contain the altitute information of the waypoints, but only lat and long information. Example:

  <type>USER WAYPOINT</type>
  <country-code />
  <comment />

Therefore I have to re-enter the altitute information for each waypoint in Pilot2ATC, which is a lot of work.

Not sure if this is a limitation of the garmin fpl format, but I found this the only export option in SkyDemon that I could convert to anything I can import to MSFS and Pilot2ATC.

Does anyone have an idea how I can get the full flight plan from SkyDemon over to the other applications?

Edited 10/30/2021 10:52:27 AM by Hero77

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