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Airfield data when planning

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The SkyDemon plate for airfields does indeed contain "all our data in one place"; they are excellent.  So good that I wonder if they could be accessed a little more quickly?  When I right-click on an airfield, one of the context menu options is "information". Click that and stuff appears in the box bottom right.  Scroll down that and eventually at the bottom is the link to the plate I want.

Would it be possible to have a direct link to the SD plate in the context menu clicking on the airfield?  Then when I'm casting around for somewhere to go it's just click-click and I can see if a place is suitable.  And when flying, it would be a lot quicker to investigate a diversion - I really struggle with excessive scrolling when in the air.

If this is not possible, at least promote the link to the SD plate in the "information" box - swap it with the "leave feedback" button perhaps.  Feedback is something you can leave at leisure.

And of course, you could make it more sophisticated by allowing a choice between SD plate or subscription plate.  But I'm not bothered about that because SD plates are easily good enough!

I just know you're going to tell me there is a shortcut that I have missed...

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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No shortcut, you're quite right. You mention right-clicking so presumably this is a PC environment you're trying with? The user interface for What's Here is a bit different between PC and mobile versions.
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Yes - I'm mainly talking when planning on my PC the night before, which is when I'm scanning for places to go, so right click.  It's less noticeable on mobile devices because the airfield tab is bigger than the bottom right info box, so the link to the plate appears without scrolling.  So long as you're not in landscape mode.  But, of course, I've just noticed I can resize the bottom right info box...

I guess the nub of my point is the SD plate is the first "go-to" thing I'm most likely to want to see about an airfield, more important than Aerial Photography, Sending Feedback and Pilot Notes.  It deserves a BIG button at the top!

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Hmm, ok thanks, we will bear that in mind. Most of the stuff on the SkyDemon Plate is a repeat of what's in the Approach Information and Admin Information sections which are higher up. Does that help at all, or was it the map you were after anyway?
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Tim Dawson - 6/15/2021 10:56:36 AM
Hmm, ok thanks, we will bear that in mind. Most of the stuff on the SkyDemon Plate is a repeat of what's in the Approach Information and Admin Information sections which are higher up. Does that help at all, or was it the map you were after anyway?

Well I personally want runway length and availability of avgas (as a proxy for "GA friendly") when looking for potential stopping points on a route.  "Camping available" would also be helpful, but that's not an existing field.  The map's good too.  But others will want different things.  So "all our information in one place" sounds like the go-to place, surely?  And the fewer clicks to get there the better.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Thanks for explaining.

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