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VFR cruising altitudes in the Flight Details window

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bashope - 6/10/2021 3:14:12 PM
Gerhard66 - 6/4/2021 6:55:32 PM
Hi Tim,
I cannot agree to your „arguments“ too.
As a professional tool, SD shall be based on the legislation and not on pilots mentioned, who have obviously not received a sufficient theory training.
For your convenience, I provide the link to the official text:

How (some) pilots don't know about this, is beyond me.

Here in Germany, if you fly above transition altitude (which I hope all pilots know what it is) of 5000 ft, you should follow the semi-circular rules as you have shared.

Of course, typically, VFR pilots in Germany will fly in Class E, which even though is "controlled" airspace, 2-way communication is not mandatory, so I guess some pilots will not know and not care about the assigned flight levels which one should fly at, but I'm really surprised to hear someone saying they don't know of anyone who complies...

*On the other hand*, we are talking about flight levels here, not altitudes. So even if I would appreciate being able to choose the appropriate "altitude" that I would like to fly at, it would have to be converted to Flight Level, so I assume SkyDemon would need to constantly check the local QNH and convert to Flight Level, by taking the "real" altitude from GPS? I agree it sounds complicated, so in my mind there are 2 options... either doing it properly, getting the laws from each region, and providing a proper suggestion to the pilot, or not having anything at all and just allowing manual input. But indeed the suggestions as they are today are totally useless (to me).

What's the problem with picking 6500 ft in SD for planning purposes, and then flying FL065 at whatever altitude that happens to be that day? It's neither relevant for filed VFR flight plans nor for ATC as you fly. SD also doesn't feed your onboard Nav or A/P. I don't see why SD should have to crack their skulls over this and make the product more technically complex with no benefit. 

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TXR - 6/11/2021 6:07:11 PM
Gerhard66 - 5/30/2021 8:12:32 AM

2. The picklist should also pop up when changing the altitude in the leg properties menu.
I need this much more often than the general cruise altitude setting in the route menu. 

You can just drag a segment to a new altitude in the profile view at the bottom

Off topic. The discussion here is going only about the picklist values and not on how to change altitudes in general. 

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Gerhard66 - 6/11/2021 6:15:55 PM

Off topic. The discussion here is going only about the picklist values and not on how to change altitudes in general. 

Agreed ... and we already found out that the pick list in Skydemon is just a convenience list with no claim to be checked against regulations (which would mean a major development task - i.e. what to do about a cross border flight between one country using semicircular rules and another using octocircular rules? SERA is not the only, but just another regulation framework on this world).

Edited 6/13/2021 8:03:53 AM by pilot-byom
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Tim Dawson - 6/2/2021 9:07:11 AM
I'm not actually aware of people picking these x500 altitudes to fly VFR here in the UK. Is this a regional thing?

It's an internationally accepted cruising levels like others mentioned before and it's a pain in the butt to manually adjust them.
Everybody will appreciate if you'll do them just like in the Garmin Pilot: West, East or ALL tab. Besides that it shows how much fuel and time will be spent at a particular level at a selected power settings. Very handy and easy to implement.

Foreflight aslo does the same things:

Edited 10/10/2021 5:01:40 PM by 177
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bashope - 6/10/2021 3:14:12 PM
Here in Germany, if you fly above transition altitude (which I hope all pilots know what it is) of 5000 ft, you should follow the semi-circular rules as you have shared.
I suggest you brush up your knowledge - since the introduction of SERA even in Germany flying semi-circular rules start at 3000ft. I admit it is a bit odd for the former land of invention of overly following any rules, in reality they indeed give a sh*t and start following rules above 5000, but even there it is not the correct way to do.

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BJS - 10/10/2021 8:00:54 PM
bashope - 6/10/2021 3:14:12 PM
Here in Germany, if you fly above transition altitude (which I hope all pilots know what it is) of 5000 ft, you should follow the semi-circular rules as you have shared.
I suggest you brush up your knowledge - since the introduction of SERA even in Germany flying semi-circular rules start at 3000ft. I admit it is a bit odd for the former land of invention of overly following any rules, in reality they indeed give a sh*t and start following rules above 5000, but even there it is not the correct way to do.

So plz let us know: what would be the correct way in your opinion then?
And why would that actually prevent the dev from changing the input fields as requested?
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Of course, if the 'IFR' flight rules option is selected, you'd want the current 'round thousands' pick list to be displayed, not the VFR list.

This then raises the question - should the VFR or IFR list be displayed when 'Mixed' flight rules is selected?

Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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SkyDemon is a VFR tool, so x500 should be the default without any additional setting. To go even further, aircraft cruise performance data should also default x500 levels. When setting that up (when done properly), it's definitely not pressing 4 digits on the keyboard...
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Adam Erchegyi - 10/12/2021 11:40:41 AM
To go even further, aircraft cruise performance data should also default x500 levels. When setting that up (when done properly), it's definitely not pressing 4 digits on the keyboard...
The altitude in the performance profile is only a field, you can enter as many lines or as few (down to one) as you want.
I have tried several variants, and seen that a point every 2000ft gives me good enough interpolation. But if you want to enter a data point every 50ft or 500ft, it would work too. One point works as well.
You don't usually create a new profile every week, we don't need a drop-down with pre-filled data on everything.

grahamb - 10/11/2021 5:35:48 PM
should the VFR or IFR list be displayed when 'Mixed' flight rules is selected?
I would go for the IFR levels, as the VFR portion tends to be a minor part of a mixed flight. My view only.

More importantly, if this feature makes the cut I would want to see the predefined x000 or x500 in the "find best altitude for flight", because there I don't have the choice of writing it myself, only to click on one or the other.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We're going to try adjusting the suggested levels list to x500 feet for VFR flights in the coming release, and look carefully for any pushback. IFR flights will keep the x000 feet suggestions, and mixed will give both.

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