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Manually Editing Pilot Log

Neville H
Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)Junior Member (23 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 1
Sometimes I want to change the information in a Sky Demon PLOG.  For instance, if there are a lot of frequencies and the PLOG is going to spill over to two pages, I'd like to remove the frequencies I know (like my local airfield) to reduce the amount of text.  There are also times when I want to add information.  I know there are settings to add and remove columns or the whole frequency list, but is there any facility to manually edit a PLOG?  I'm planning on a PC and then using an iPad in the air.

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