+x pgroell - 3/21/2020 9:45:48 AMYou can register without being a FFA member. Subscribe here : https://aviation.meteo.fr/inscription.phpHowever most of the website is in french only
+x tnowak - 3/20/2020 8:56:17 PMWhat is the url of that meteofrance website?Tony
+x Tim Dawson - 3/19/2020 12:42:02 PMThe French stopped publishing GAFOR late last year, I believe.
+x dcoquelet - 3/19/2020 12:43:55 PM+x Timeflows - 3/19/2020 10:04:09 AMThe French GAFOR's seem to have disappeared. Have I missed something? Yes the French meteorogical web site has warned this already several month ago. This function is replaced by an other function named "Prévisions modèle maille fine" in French, that's mean they are now using the facilities of the meteorological Arome model. You can check visibility, low ceiling, rain...
+x Timeflows - 3/19/2020 10:04:09 AMThe French GAFOR's seem to have disappeared. Have I missed something?